Hello there
Thought I might throw this one into our Tig forum (with pride...)
Dad got himself a new toy on the weekend (see below), so I thought I might throw in a few comments in comparison with my APR Stage I Tig. As well as to have a bit of a gloat of course.
Presenting the Scirocco R with DSG.
...and the backside of the Scirocco R.
...and the front quarter of the Scirocco R.
First of all, my apologies about the image quality (my Xperia Play isn't really made for brilliant photography). Second, no photo will ever do one of the beautiful things justice - standing next to it felt awesome.
Finally, it goes like the clappers. I know that my Tig and the Scirocco R are reasonably similar on paper (with weight, height and 2WD vs 4Mo and DSG vs 6 speed manual the obvious exceptions) but this thing felt way faster. I planted my foot in sport mode and yelled 'faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrr rrrk!' (forgetting that I had both kids in the back)
Because it is front wheel drive and I was coming out of a corner I noticed some wheel slippage on the leading wheel. After my eyes returned their vision and I regained consciousness I threw it through a few corners (mindful that my kids were in the back, laughing like hyenas) and gave it a bit of a run on a straight.
Typically it is a beautiful VW with everything just right. I felt immediately comfortable and competent behind the wheel.
Anyway, I'm still in love with my Tig - just had a litlle bit of a flirt...