rear again
oh and Kombi behind
and if you strain - you'll see Oval way back there.......
rear again
oh and Kombi behind
and if you strain - you'll see Oval way back there.......
Last edited by Golf Loon; 03-08-2009 at 08:01 PM. Reason: extra
thx for the pics Looks not too bad your Rocco!
What are the next things on your to do list?
Are you located in GB or in Oz?
That would be Liverpool, Sydney Mario...
Lots of MK 1 Scirocco's...
If it aint a MK 1 then it must be a donor car ??
Yes tis New South Wales , as opposed to the " Wales " up north.
Lots of Mk1's in Australia......ummm
is 20 a lot ????
- Does any body know how many are here?
A wash down and pic in better light would make the Rocco
look a whole lot better.
As I said, there really isnt too much to do.
Last edited by Hydro; 13-07-2013 at 05:22 PM. Reason: detail
If you link pics from photobucket, select the forum pic option further down the list and it will appear as a pic.
Looks good mate, now goto the shed and make it work.
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with the paint, it depends on where and who is painting it.
if you can afford it, get it done properly in 2 pak, or if you're doing the budget thing, acrylic is great for garage/back yard jobs. with enough time and effort acrylic can look just as good as 2 pak jobs. 2 pak isn't so safe for home use though.
okay, Liverpool in NSW, sorry I'm an unlocal
And don't forget the most important thing for a MK1 rebuild, the body-cavity sealing! Mike Sanders is the best you can buy here, but I don't know if this is available down there.
Thanks Mario , Golf Loon , Roccodingo , and Jarred.
I'm just starting to gear up to get this project going - there's
fine weather , I need to get it done , I have time.......
then work wants me.
Now I have to work all weekend.
I'll see what I can get done tomorrow arvo.
Still weighing up options with paint.
Glenn, go with the 2 pac, way more durable paint than Acrylic even though more expensive. make sure the bodywork around the windows , top of front guards, sills and rear axle points are rot free before you hit it with the paint.
Have a read in here, there once was pics of suspect rust areas but that changed with the new rocco forum.
I would clean out all the inner sections of the doors, sills, body cavities and get some body wax injected while your doing the bodywork.
Lots of MK 1 Scirocco's...
If it aint a MK 1 then it must be a donor car ??