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Thread: Hello From Northern Ireland - Moving to Melbourne (Hopefully)

  1. #31
    mikevr6 Guest

    supercharged 2.8 vr6 engine

    nice!!! whats news on importing it to melbourne??
    Looks like the car will be in storage in N.I. for another year while I sort out my Visa. Poor car will probably fall apart next time it's driven.
    I keep getting offered good money for the charger, so I may well sell it to fund the import costs. They're easily got from the US anyway and a piece of piss to fit.

    Carpoid Thanks for the advice. Just reading up on a Holiday Visa now. I hope this will allow me to work fulltime. As usual I've left everything to the last minute. I'm thinking now that I might rent a house in Thailand for Dec/Jan whilst I wait for my Visa to come through. Then travel to Oz in Feb when the job situation is better. I have a few mates already in Thailand and it is a cheap place to use as a staging post between UK and Oz.

  2. #32
    mikevr6 Guest
    if you bring the corrado with you ill marry you!
    Tim Thanks for your kind offer. If all other avenues are exhausted I may take you up on it
    Are same sex marriages allowed in Oz??
    I could get the Op done in Thailand on the cheap.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Point Cook, Vic
    Users Country Flag
    HAHAHAHA unfortunately same sex marriage isnt legal in australia. My gf would probly try and claw your eyes out anyways! Perhaps i can sell u my lil sister.



  4. #34
    Join Date
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    Camden, Sydney
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    Bring the corrado as early as you can fella. You could always sell it down under for big bucks. Particularly with the charger.

    It was hard work getting the visa in Thailand. They dont speak english at the Australian embassy and try taking a tiket with an odd symbol on it and then trying to match that when they call your number out! Aaargh.

    Working holiday visa is the easiest and quickest and then it gives you a year here to apply for a different kind of visa.
    Camden GTI Performance. VW / AUDI Specialists
    All Mechanical Work, Log book Servicing, New and used Parts and Imports
    19-20/6 Badgally Road, Campbelltown, 2560
    02 4627 3072 or 0423 051737

  5. #35
    mikevr6 Guest
    Filled in the On-Line application for a Holiday Visa yesterday.
    Just gotta wait for it to arrive.
    I'm going to Thailand on the 19th for 3 weeks. Then home for 3 weeks (Xmas & New Years) then my mate and I will be heading to Melbourne on the 10th of Jan or so (provided the Visa arrives)
    I've got a few quid in savings, so no immediate need to get a job. Probably travel around seeing the sights for a few weeks then start looking.
    I'm already registered on and there doesn't seem to be any shortage of positions. Agency reckons I can get $50 per hour upwards if I do contract work.

    I'll get the Corrado shipped over once I'm settled and I know I'm defo staying in Oz. She needs new copper brake pipes fitted at the minute. No mechanic wants to do it for me. Might have to go to VW and pay an arm and a leg.

    You could always sell it down under for big bucks

  6. #36
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, Mexico
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    Having taken 3 months to get a job in Adelaide I'd say keep an eye on the job situation from when you arrive.

    A bit different with me having a family to support but I sat around for a couple of weeks and regret it.


  7. #37
    mikevr6 Guest
    Yeah, I'm gonna do my best to have something lined up before I even leave the UK. I've been in regular contact with a handful of Agencies and they seem to think my prospects are fairly good.

    That Headlight Loom you made me is still working a treat Gav

    Spotted a nice Oak Green Mk2 16v Campaign for Sale here:-

    Might be shipping 2 motors over

  8. #38
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Melbourne, Mexico
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    Glad to hear that Mike. Having a job up front will make life much more bearable. Hot having one is a bind, big time.
    If you are travelling thru SA look me up for a drink.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Suffolk UK
    Hey Mike, sounds like its all coming together - awesome !

    Sorry to be a pain in the arse but you won't be allowed to bring 2 cars, only one a year unfortunately.
    I had exactly the same idea about bringing a Mk2 16V 3 door. Good news is - as that Golf is registered before 1st Jan '89, you wouldn't need to own it and be in the UK with it for 12 months to get import approval, you could stash it away for a year then bring it over........

  10. #40
    mikevr6 Guest

    Thanks for the advice Carpoid. I guess the farmer will be getting an extra £52 this year for storing yet another car.

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