Scirocco - Test Drive in the UK at the moment and drove past the local dealership...
Noticed a red Scirocco sitting proudly in prime spot out the front where there was an R32 the day before..of course i had to stop and have a good look (much to my wifes disapproval). I got talking to the salesmen about random VW stuff (plenty of MkII content) and 15 minutes later i had the keys in my hand and took it for a quick blast around the block!!!!!! 
I realise this thread is totally useless without pics..and i apologise for that but it was a spare of the moment thing....
There are a lot of similarities to the GTI as far as power and handling...OK i didnt push it, but the feeling I got was very familiar. Suspension felt stiffer than my GTI but could be the fact its 3+ yrs old. The thing that kept running through my head was somewhere between a TT and a GTI which seems to make sense. build quality was very good (are these german built?) and on a par or above my GTI. If i was in the market for a GTI and didnt need 5drs id seriously be having my fingers crossed we get this thing soon, id snap one up. VERY impressed!
1986 MkII Golf GTI 16V (Sold), 2005 MkV Golf GTI (Sold), 2007 Polo GTI (Sold), 2011 Polo 66TDI (Selling), 2012 Passat 125 TDI Bluemotion, 2013 Scirocco R (Due October!)