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Thread: Dash mat for Scirocco?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2024

    Dash mat for Scirocco?

    Hi guys, I'm looking for a dash mat for my scirocco. Have searched high and low and emailed several companies that seem to do every other car! Can anyone give me any pointers? Cheers Scott

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Users Country Flag
    Had a look and cant find any. You might be able to get an auto trimmer to custom make one for you - this may be your only option as the Scirocco is a low volume car I guess no one ever made a dash mat for them.

    The only one I could find was this one and not only is it out of stock, but there are no photos showing it fitted to a Scirocco either:

    If you want to protect your dashboard, then invest in a good quality sunshade. I have a Covercraft sunshade which is fantastic but they don't make one for the Scirocco. This one is the only sunshade for a Scirocco that I can find. Car Sunshade
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

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  3. #3

    @bundyrocs - an EOS dash mat should come close enough that you could trim it if necessary.

    Dash Mat Suit Volkswagon EOS 2/2007 On AUSTRALIAN Made Packed In a Box | eBay

    I've got that brand in my Amarok and it's very good. Definitely could trim that fabric if need be.


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