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Thread: Dash mat

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
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    Dash mat

    Heya folks
    Heads up for anyone interested
    With the tropical sun playing havoc on interiors up here in Darwin, NT I wanted a dashmat to protect the dash.
    Upon enquiry the answer was "narda". I researched fairly extensively and mainly got the question "what do you want that for".....duuuuh....hallo..!!

    So I looked for an alternative and have fitted a Golf MK6 mat and I gotta say it is very close.
    Close enough to think that the mat is for the R' in fact.

    Just a few subtle differences but you would have to know otherwise to guess that its off a MK6 and not for the R'

    So just thought I would share that.

  2. #2
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    Would you not be more inclined to use a sun shade on the inside of the windscreen when leaving the car out in the sun?

    Or if your a bit cheeky, get a very light layer of tint put on the inside of the windscreen. The guy who tinted the windows on my car (Hunters Hill - very popular in Sydney) had 52% tint on the inside of his windscreen - very very very subtle (basically you cant notice it) but the tint has UV protection to preserve your dash.
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Sunshade is good when stationary but what about when i am driving bro....
    The sun is a killer up here and I am fairly mobile so all those hours without protection....!!!

    I had a front screen tinted and will never do it again

  4. #4
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    All modern car dash plastics have UV inhibitors built into the material (and you can ofcourse apply detailing products with UV protectants as well as often as you wish).

    At least consider tinting the top of the screen, which is legal (the percentage tinted varies by state/territory).

    However, heat is a different issue and whilst a dash mat would protect against direct heat it will do nothing agianst overall internal temp.

    Personally, I think the dash mats look nasty but just my opinion

  5. #5
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    Hey guys I posted an alternative dashmat to fit the R' so that if you wanted to put a dashmat on to cover up you could....
    All the comments re this n that are not what the post was about.

    If you go out in the sun the best coverage is putting a shirt with long sleeves on...not putting sunscreen on as you still get sun damaged.
    It limits exposure where as a cover is total screening.

    Hence the dashmat....I dont want to use tints or alternative methods.

    The point was to help those looking for a dashmat that fits the R"

    I wasnt looking for tint this tint that... apply this n that.... especially when the gunk you apply ends up evaporating into a slick on the inside of your screen.

    Happy to just drive the R' with a dashmat and anyone else that is looking for a mat that fits that cant buy one specific for the R' here is the answer.

    While you guys in the southern regions might not deem it necessary to cover your dash it is a must up here in tropics especially if you are keeping your ride for an extended period.

  6. #6
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    A couple of us were providing alternatives to the "old man" dash mat.

    Not sure what "gunk" you have used (perhaps Armoral), but quality products do not do as you suggest. As I said, modern plastics have UV inhibitors built in (unlike older cars). The main issue other than that is pure heat. That is where tinting does help (actually reduces the issue before it even gets in the car).

    Spent 3 years working out of Darwin. I know what the tropics are like. Surprisngly perhaps, the issue of UV and heat is just as bad in many southern areas

    If the dash mat works for you, awesome but there are other options.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Melbourne - South East
    Lol.. Dash mats are for retired folk so they can spend more time vacuuming the car..

    Today's cars don't have the issues the cars of the 80's and 90's..
    Scirocco R - Candy White, Sat Nav,tinted windows, H&R Springs, 19x9 ETA BETA Tettsut X Black rims.

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  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Bairnsdale & Ferntree Gully, Victoria
    are dash matts in newer cars even possible with all the air bags, rain sensors and what not these days?
    as the guys above, if worried apply some UV protection in the form of a detailing product or sun shade... if your worried about your dash getting cooked while driving what about your own skin?
    Bora gone
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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    I was looking at these online last week - found one supplier who wouldn't ship overseas though.

    Don't suppose you've got a picture of it fitted do you? I'd be keen to see just how close it is.

  10. #10
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    Yeah and we're they RHD
    I didn't find a supplier for RHD even
    Send me a PM with personal addy and I will send you a series of pics

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