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Thread: Car arrived - first impressions - not so good :(

  1. #1

    Car arrived - first impressions - not so good :(

    So my car arrived today finally (ordered back in March!).

    Have moved since ordering, so Chatswood VW transported it to me in Queensland.

    Car turned up dirty outside - but I guess that's because they used an uncovered transporter so I can live with that.

    There's a cable in the glovebox to plug in to the socket in centre console - I thought it would be a cable with an iPod adaptor on the other end but it's just a usb - is that right? Or should there be one with an iPod connector.

    Most upsettingly is the condition of the front and underside of the bumper :

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Users Country Flag
    Blood hell that bumper is a mess.
    I would definitely get them to replace that for you.

    Also consider getting it PPF wrapped to protect it from these sort of issues in the future.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Car arrived - first impressions - not so good :(

    That's pretty ordinary, I would have excepted the dealer to point that out while they were telling you when they were going to repair it... Not you asking.

    If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    wow that is sad to see.
    Hope they fix it for you quickly

    as for the cable, yes its only the USB one that comes standard, you need to purchase the ipod one seperately.
    Dealer should have just thrown it in though

  5. #5
    Spoke to the dealer - they said go and find a bodyshop and get a quote and they will pay for repair.

    Not being funny - but I think it's not unreasonable to hold out for a replacement bumper on a $50k brand new car rather than a repair. Is that reasonable?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    to me its not unreasonable but i guess to a dealer it my be

    I dare say, had you seen this at the dealership, you would not have accepted it, and they would have had it repaired, and you would have taken it.

    Its your call at the end of the day

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    I would get a replacement one if they can source it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
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    That's unbelievably bad - if it wasnt like that when you inspected it then I wouldn't even acept the car. That's not a scuff mark or a little scratch. Replacement bumper or nothing imo.

    Looks like it would have happened loading/unloading from transport - they should have insurance anyway.

  9. #9
    Was difficult not to accept the car as they'd just transported it 1200 km's! But I'm certainly going to push for new bumper

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Quote Originally Posted by djchuckles View Post
    Was difficult not to accept the car as they'd just transported it 1200 km's! But I'm certainly going to push for new bumper
    U go for it mate! When we are paying well over 50 large for a car we'd expect some decent treatment, especially from VW.

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