small update.
well the club reg thing was a bit of a dead end it seems. Since im a PIARC member I was going to get them to sign off on the car being "safe to drive" but it seems the guy they have in charge of inspecting the cars has retired and doesnt have access to a hoist anymore. They suggested I jsut get a roadworthy cert on the car which is the other option for getting club reg.... But if im doing that then maybe just full registration will be the go..
Anyways... off to the mechanic who had a heard attack at the weber dcoe carb hanging off the back of the engine so i did a mini rebuild on the old carb.. Its more driveable on the stock carby.. Just a bit more responsive down low. The stock Zenith 2B carb is a pretty complex little unit but its nice to now have an understanding of how it works.. The issue it had when I picked the car up was a failing accelerator pump. It doesnt have the standard diaphragm operated setup. It has a linkage operated valve that feeds from a secondary bowl. The main issue apart from a few vac leaks was the rear bowls float level was set so far out that it was completely dry! A quick adjustment of the float level and a tune has it running pretty nicely now with all the original stuff. (no doubt once the car is on the road this will change pretty quickly though)
Second challenge was the inspector had a second heart attack at the rust spot on the front guard. Non structural rust is not supposed to be a problem but I think vicroads have the inspectors so scared of losing their licences that he wasnt willing to budge. Anyways I have a guard in perfect condition that im going to throw on anyways so i decided to put that on.. Solves the rust issue..
Now whilst the guard is off i figured I might as well address a few of the common scirocco issues.. Due to the way the seam sealer is applied water tends to seep under the rubber bonnet supports and then they rust from the inside out.. I started digging around a little and indeed i found some rust starting to form under sections of the seam sealer that looked in perfect condition. Im in the process of slowly stripping it back but I guess ill bring it back bare just to make sure its all good.. Seal it with POR15 and then hit it with some new seam sealer.. Heres a couple of pics to give an idea.. Looks like ive caught it just in time.