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Thread: You need to know this about coolant..intersting VAG fact...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    im a pom from the UK, but am living in Oz for a while...

    You need to know this about coolant..intersting VAG fact...

    VW issued a Technical Service Bulletin (TSB 199601) which states that
    the blue G11 coolant causes corrosion to the aluminum head. The TSB says
    to change to the new red G12 coolant. If you would like to see this TSB,
    just go to your dealership and ask to see it. Yes, you are authorized to
    see it no matter what they tell you! Also if your coolant is brown, its
    seen better days and needs to get changed.
    Changing coolant on Passat GLX VR6.
    The Bentley manual says to mix 3.5l of coolant with 6.5l distilled water
    to achieve a 35% mixture which is good for -13=B0F. To achieve -31=B0F,
    go with a 50% mixture. (I'm sure you can figure out the math.) North
    American cars have 35 % mix with Canada getting the 50% according to the
    95 Passat owners manual.
    1) Remove reservoir cap to bleed off pressure.
    2) Remove drain plug. You can find the drain plug by looking under the
    car, in the gap between the oil filter housing and air conditioning
    compressor. The plug is about the size of a nickel and has a screw
    driver slot in it.
    3) Apply compressed air to the coolant system. The easiest way to do so,
    unless you have the proper VW tool, is to install the cap and remove the
    small coolant hose from the reservoir. With a blow gun nozzle and air
    compressor, or a bicycle pump if you can find a nozzle for it, apply air
    to the system to force out any trapped coolant.
    4) Reinstall drain plug. Unless you have very skinny hands you will need
    a 6-7" piece of garden hose to get the plug back up there. Cut a slit in
    the hose in case the plug is bigger then your hose and if the plug slips
    out of the hose, cut a slot to fit the plug into. (Mechanical fingers
    would work also.)
    5) Fill system with distilled water and run the car until at least the
    coolant fan comes on, preferably a bit longer.
    6) Repeat steps 1 through 5 until the water comes out clean. (The clean
    water will splash against the engine block and may pick up some
    rust/dirt so you may try to put a piece of plastic between the block and
    the splashing water.)
    7) Fill your coolant system with your mix of G12.
    Run car and check for leaks.
    9) Top off if needed.
    10) Mark your reservoir to read "G12 Coolant Only!". Mixing coolants is
    a bad thing and you'll have to do this all over again
    The G12 coolant is supposedly "Lifetime", but it is probably best if
    changed every 4 years or sooner if it gets cloudy.
    Changing coolant on Passat GLS 2.0l 8V and Passat TDI.
    1) Remove reservoir cap to relieve pressure.
    2) Drain coolant by removing two bolts from thermostat flange and remove
    thermostat. (The flange is the part of the water pump with the big hose
    is attached to.)
    3) Apply air as described above.
    4) Reinstall thermostat and flange. It is recomended to use a new
    thermostat O-ring. (Personally I've reused mine in the past without
    problems. Your results may vary.)
    5) Fill system with distilled water and run engine until at least the
    coolant fan turns on, preferably longer. Filling system will take about
    5 minutes. (I guess that's how long it takes for air to escape.)
    6) Repeat 1 through 5 until clear water comes out.
    7) Fill coolant system with G12 coolant.
    - 2.0l engine vehicles with automatic transmission
    -- -13=B0F protection gets 2.5l coolant, 3.7l distilled water. (40%)
    -- -31=B0F protection gets 3.1l coolant, 3.1l distilled water. (50%)
    - 2.0l engine vehicles with manual transmission
    -- -13=B0F protection gets 2.2l coolant, 3.4l distilled water. (40%)
    -- -31=B0F protection gets 2.8l coolant, 2.8l distilled water. (50%)
    - TDI
    -- -13=B0F protection gets 2.6l coolant, 3.9l distilled water. (40%)
    -- -31=B0F protection gets 3.25l coolant, 3.25l distilled water. (50%)
    Run engine, check for leaks and top off if needed.
    9) Mark reservoir with "G12 Coolant only!".

    So there it is. The only data missing is for the 16V engine, but I'm
    sure all we need is the mixture quantity. Draining the system is
    probably the same as the other 4 cylinder cars.
    As far as the quantities, they are what I got out of the Bentley so you
    may or may not use all of the coolant but you'll have the proper mix for
    topping off later if you have more then you need.

    E-mail me with any corrections/additions I need to make so we can put
    this in the FAQ.

    95 Passat GLX
    87 Golf GT

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    I've been using G12plus. It's a new product that is compatible with both G11 and G12, and ultimately will replace both.

    It's not green or red but purple in colour!

    Rgds, Peter

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    yeah i use g12plus as well
    cheers brenton

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Perth, WA
    I use techaloy P100. My engine will soon probably melt
    1996 Golf VR6 Colour Concept Green

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    im a pom from the UK, but am living in Oz for a while...
    Thread Starter
    Hey Guys!

    I went to buy some coolant from main dealer today and he gave me G12 plus, i was talking to the guy and he said all the other coolants (G11 and G12 ) have been discontinued...So i guess that this new stuff can be used in all VWs from now on. He said what we all know and thats not to mix any of them. .. it looks purple but once diluted with water i think its going to look pink!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Carlton, VIC (HK now)
    is there any colour difference between the G12 and G12+??
    geee...i forgot which one i got

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    dont know if this is relevant, but on the back of my coolant bottle, it states that you shouldn't mix/dilute with water, due to variances in temperature when the mixture separates. idk, i always thought that you diluted it, but this is some cheap stuff(n: ) i used from when i had a cracked heater coolant pipe and hadnt yet diagnosed the problem.

  8. #8
    syncro Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by SOHC View Post
    is there any colour difference between the G12 and G12+??
    geee...i forgot which one i got

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Users Country Flag
    Yeap same here I use G12+
    I'm soo euro even my missus is shaved...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Adelaide, SA
    Users Country Flag

    The Green T4 has used G11 since 1997, 140k - no problems (so far).


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