So today I got my car back from the mechanic who owed it to me to fix the ABS system for free as he believed it wasn't necessary for RWC but of course it is. (From when I bought it)
So originally it was the usual, hand break and ABS would be on at the same time and occasionally turn off and work problem that is ever so frequent in the MkIII's (ABS tested via Aiden slamming on his breaks in a quiet street..)
Now when I got the car back today I noticed that the lights where on with the hand break up (obviously hand break light) but also the ABS. Now when I release the hand break both turn off. Now I didn't a second skid test and I know I do have cheap Chinese tyres from previous owner.. it locked right up and slid.
So it still doesn't work. Now I was testing the hand break on the way back home and half way back the abs light stopped coming on with the hand break.. but did not skid test it as it was all main roads home haha.
The mechanic said it was a bent pin or something on the ABS sensor and he fixed it all up and cleaned it.
My question is.. did he just rewire the light to my hand break and jib me or do these cars ABS lights come on with the hand break, and more car just slid because its on cheap tires with 90% tread?
Previously the ABS and Hand break would always be on besides from the odd occasion they would play nice
Any help would be greatly appreciated as I have to go back to get a washer bottle fitted which they also didn't replace for RWC.. (lucky me its on the other side of the city and I get to wait around each time.)