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Thread: wiring problem? or...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Carlton, VIC (HK now)

    wiring problem? or...

    sigh... summer has come up, and its time for problems to appear as well
    yesterday i was going left on my indicator light and it appears to be flashing much faster, thought a bulb gone, then it appears to be working normal again, was on the front it doesn't work, today it came up with the rear light
    also there are sseeeezzzzz seeeezzzzz... sound coming out from the steering when i turn it at around every 90-180 degree, from straight, found out the copper behind the steering at the bottom is hanging out, is it supose to be hanging out, or back it... or lubricate it?? Thanks bros


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Melbourne, Mexico
    Users Country Flag
    Sounds like you might be talking about the contacts for the horn push. They should be pretty clean with a small amount of grease to stop oxidation.

    The plastic work on the column is famous for rubbing and making annoying noises.


  3. #3
    brackie Guest

    Horn ring

    Yeah... There should be some grease on the horn ring. Many of them fail because they dry up and wear out.
    Indicator problem sounds like a poor earth or contact with the centre of the globe. Clean things up and it should go away. (If the flasher unit was on its way out it would affect both sides of the car )

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Carlton, VIC (HK now)
    Thread Starter

    yea, thanks guys, just sprayed bit of CRC till i got grease n the light globe contact.


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