anyone changed em? i got it off the car, and poped the front buttons off but dont see a way to remove the globes. do i go in thru the back of the switch?
also the light switch globes, got 1 off but the 2 green ones are well in there...
anyone changed em? i got it off the car, and poped the front buttons off but dont see a way to remove the globes. do i go in thru the back of the switch?
also the light switch globes, got 1 off but the 2 green ones are well in there...
Last edited by VDUBD; 24-03-2009 at 09:49 PM.
1995 MK3 Golf
if you've got the switch out, then look on the sides of it, if you use a small screw driver you should be able to GENTLY open the gaps at the side to let the inner clips separate from the surrounding plastic and the inside of the switch should slide out the back of the part of the switch that actually has the buttons on it.
that probably didnt make any sense...try it anyway.
sorry if that didnt help at all
but once you've got it unplugged you should be able to separate it once more so you can see the globes
btw are you changing the colour of the bulbs? if so what to? i want to change mine to red when i get a chance, looks wicked in my brothers E30
Mrk Detailing, premium automotive detailing. Paint correction/protection specialist. PM me
yea i got them all apart and i found the globes, they are well on there, same as the light switch, i ordered a kit off ebay to do with changing the lights and comes with detailed instructions (apparently) but ill let yous know once it is all done and if there is an easier way to do it.
1995 MK3 Golf
i wanted to do this for ages, i found some website about a year and a half ago that sells a really awesome looking dash panel and a kit for like 12 bucks to change all your interior switch globes to red instead of that icky green we have.
i think the company was DPP or PPD of something but i havent been able to find it sincei really liked it.
yeah let us know how you go man!