I pretty sure i was the one that said they will be 0 offset.
I was under the impression that original lips where .5
Yes, it's the topic that's been brought up over and over again but I have one thing to clarify since this is in regards to the wheels I'm building. I've done my math and my math adds up. I'm also following this article I found on calculating offset: How to Calculate Offset after Lip and/or Barrel Change - StanceWorks and my math agrees with what he calculates.
SO, for those interested. My wheels started life as 15x6.5et36 (1" drop lips for reference).
Now, following the above article (and because all I'm changing is my lips) I'm KEEPING my center position because I'm adding 2" lips to my wheels, making them 15x8et17, because every .5" = -6.35mm of offset and technically I'm adding 1.5" of lip to my wheels ((5.5" barrels, .5" face, 2" lip) - (5.5" barrel, .5" face, 1' drop lip) = 1.5")
So whoever told me that my wheels would now be et0 either can't math or just can't math but yeah, in other words, that article is tops for calculating new offsets when adding lips, or, changing barrel size.
I pretty sure i was the one that said they will be 0 offset.
I was under the impression that original lips where .5
Something doesn't add up... You say they are 6.5et36 with 1" lips, going to 2" lips will make them 7.5"et23
6.5et36 to a 8" using just bigger lip will be 8et17
Think whatever the 'drop lip' you are referring to is confusing you... Lips are measured in 0", .5", 1" and so on
I asked Ray and he confirmed that they're 1" drops because thats what comes standard but either way, that was an extremely useful guide and my wheels won't look mexican up front
again, Ray had told me that yes, they're 1" lips but because they're drop lips, only .5" is measured/protrudes. I've physically measured the barrels and faces and they add up to 6" but the lips are 1" and when added to the whole lot = 6.5" unless of course their .5" lips where in that case, my math still pretty much adds up...
Last edited by drucejnr; 27-01-2014 at 10:44 PM.
Pic of said lip?
Pictures 3 & 4 what you are talking about?
Last edited by dylan8; 27-01-2014 at 10:49 PM.
best I have is my "artsy fartsy" one at the moment...
Looks like a .5" to me from the pic
I'm with dyl here.
I believe the lips are measured wrong. The measurement needs to be taken on the backside of the lip, not the front.
8 et 17ish'
You have half inch lips.