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Thread: Wheel Bearings

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Williamstown, Vic

    Wheel Bearings

    Has anyone replaced the front wheel bearings on their VR6 themselves? If so, is it easy and would you recommend it? If not, how much does it cost to get done?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Dont poke and hope, scan, smoke and scope
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    If you have an arbor press its not a bad job mate, and if you split the strut from the hub carrier you must mark the position and have a wheel alignment done afterwards. Take off the whole strut its no dramas but then becomes a 2 man job with someone holding the strut when you press out the bearing. If you havent doen such a job take it along to your nearest friendly independent.
    Alba European
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    U can take the hub carrier to a mechanic and get them to press the old out and the new in so ull save in alot of labour costs there.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    West Sydney
    Users Country Flag

    Quote Originally Posted by peedman View Post
    U can take the hub carrier to a mechanic and get them to press the old out and the new in so ull save in alot of labour costs there.
    Exact same thing I did. All in a day's work. Helped a mate did his also. If you don't have them already, get yourself a breaker bar, a socket set (make sure you have 10mm/13mm/15mm/17mm/18mm/30mm sockets), ball joint remover and a soft rubber mallet. My tips to doing this include - loosen hub nut a little before jacking the car up, use the ball joint remover to help pop the tie-rod end off the hub carrier, undo the 3 bolts under the control arm and ball joint (not necessary to remove ball joint), and use the soft rubber mallet to tap the hub carrier off the CV. This one can be a toughy - I've had to pop the outer CV off the driveshaft together with the hub before as there was no way I could remove the two (even used a puller which I managed to mangle).

    Most shops will charge two hours work for removing and pressing in two wheel bearings.


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