when my temps get a bit high in traffic i just pull the bonnet catch so that some of the hot air can get out and it seems to do the trick.
at what temp should the fan kick in on the VR6s, sitting in traffic the other day the needle went to 110 degrees before the fan kicked in. i didnt know if i should be worried, turn the engine off or what?
The oil temp on the MFA went to 112 before it slowly went down to 108?
im not sure if i have a prob, your info on this would give me piece of mind....or stress me out depending if these figures seem unusually high?
when my temps get a bit high in traffic i just pull the bonnet catch so that some of the hot air can get out and it seems to do the trick.
thanks for that, what temp does your engine get to?
~100 i think, never seen my oil temp higher than 106.
It should be written on the fan switch.
hye dont forget to put your bonnet back down before you speed up
cheers brenton