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Thread: What do you guys think?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Seaforth, NSW

    What do you guys think?

    Hey guys i havent put a thread in here before but i am looking to buy a golf vr6 as my first car. I havent got my P's just yet and i do understand that they can be quite expensive. And i have a question for you guys about this vr6 thats for sale.

    1994, VOLKSWAGEN GOLF, Sydney, Dealer Used, $6,990 at

    so if you guys and girls could please give me some help and your thoughts and opinions that would be greatly appreciated


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    How much money are you making or getting paid?
    Affording petrol is the biggest problem these days.
    IMO that looks like a tidy little car (over the internet).
    MK2 - *Insert list of dealer purchased extra's/standard features here*
    80 series - The MK2's BIG, Sooty, polar opposite...

  3. #3
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    well i get paid $15 an hour (I think) plus i got a little bit saved up over the years. And I agree that petrol is wayyyy to expensive ATM. and by any chance do you know what the fuel consumption is like for one of these?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    around town i do around 12L/100km on average

    Have seen under 7 on the highway, but normally its more like 8 or 9, depending on who im driving with haha.

    Car looks alright over here, check it out for sure. That looks like it might even be the same dealer who sold me mine, we asked if we could get it without the 5 year warranty and got like 1.5 grand off the price it was advertised for

  5. #5
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    o wow that sounds like a much better deal just gotta hope nothing major would break :S

    and that fuel consumption doesnt sound too bad either pretty close to my mums mazda 3

  6. #6
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    Looks like you've done a bit of research and understand the costs.
    Just as long as your prepared to spend extra to get the parts you need and (in many cases) from oversea's too.
    VW's are very nice cars tha look better, go harder, sound better and will outlast any Falcodore.
    As sortofbigbj siad, check it out and tell us about it

    PS: Check with the seller that the Heater Core and A/C are both operational.
    MK2 - *Insert list of dealer purchased extra's/standard features here*
    80 series - The MK2's BIG, Sooty, polar opposite...

  7. #7
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    haha thanks but im a bit weird with my cars i mean if i couldnt sleep when i was really young one of my parents would read me a car magazine and off i went!

    and i will definitely make sure i let you guys know if i do end up looking at it (just gotta convince the parents =D)

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Driving my VR6 to the station and back I can get as bad as 15L/100km, but then if you drive anywhere at 90km/h (or there abouts) for any length of time you can get down to 8L/100km.

    Common faults include:
    Heater core
    If it hasn't been bypassed or replaced yet, it will need to be very soon. Cost of the parts is about $100, labour is the killer putting the total cost at near $1,000.

    If it's not running it could be anything from the compressor up. You can get a reco one for about $400 (from memory) and they aren't too expensive to get fitted, call it $600ish if that's what's wrong.

    Electric Windows
    If it's just the regulator (which is usually is) these are about $250 ish each for a new one, don't screw around with a second hand one. If it's the motor they are far more expensive, but you have to be unlucky.

    Water Pump
    The original one is plastic, they are all broken now The replacement is metal and will never break. You have to jack the engine up (off it's mounts) to get at it so it's usually a few hundred.

    Crack Pipe
    The OEM part is plastic and they are getting brittle. There is an aftermarket metal one for about $100 (again from memory). This is something you can do yourself pretty easily.

    Another relatively common fault. Not sure off the top of my head how much they are. Quick and easy to replace yourself though.

    Coil Pack
    Another relatively common fault. Not sure off the top of my head how much they are. Quick and easy to replace yourself though.

    Timing Chains
    About ever 100,000km these should be done, they are about a $1,000 service item (I think, haven't yet had the pleasure with my car).

    Head lining
    Common to see them dropping as the cars get older. A couple of tins of spray adhesive and some material will see a weekend DIY job set you have about $50-$60.

    I know it might sound bleak, but I'm sure every car has a similar list of "stuff" that breaks. Anyone is welcome to question my prices since I made most of them up

    If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    things that break.....
    timing chains, if they havent been done check for excesive noise on the passenger side
    the power windows arent very reliable they are very common to break
    as ryan said check that the heater core hasnt been bybassed and if the ac seems a bit weak you know its on its way out
    cat converter mine died at about 180000
    if its got a sunroof check it doesnt leak
    and the abs seems to fail on these, mine doesnt work
    tbh these arent a very good first car you need to be prepared to spend a fair bit in the long run as they are a bit of a money pit

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoeVR View Post
    I wouldn't underestimate the lifespan of some of the local cars, they really can survive even with only half-arsed looking after.
    X2.... Was just trying to raise some positive VW Propoganda
    Falcons see 1million K's easy if taken care of (hence the large amount of Falcon taxi's)

    Agree with what Joe said about doing your research, I did mine before (and after) buying my MK2.
    I found having an alternative method of transport (push bike ) is always good aswell....... just in case.
    MK2 - *Insert list of dealer purchased extra's/standard features here*
    80 series - The MK2's BIG, Sooty, polar opposite...

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