When I wash mine sometimes water will come in directly above the number plate. I'm guessing in that recess somehow..
Or you got a rust hole in your wheel well
With all the rain we have had recently in Brisbane, the carpet / spare wheel etc has been getting wet somehow. Before I start pulling it all apart and replacing seals or bungs, is there a common place water gets in the back of these hatches??
96 VW VR6 Golf (Daily driver)
65 VW Beetle (Under restoration)
When I wash mine sometimes water will come in directly above the number plate. I'm guessing in that recess somehow..
Or you got a rust hole in your wheel well
Had the same problem. Remove tailights. Take off rubber gasket. Make new one by tracing old one onto a sheet of rubber. Wack some sealant on the side of the gasket that goes on on the car. Reassemble and boot stays drywell that's what worked for me and what I believe to be the most common cause.
Awesome thanks guys, have to pull out the spare to clean in there, so will inspect, and will look at making up new tail light gaskets as well.
96 VW VR6 Golf (Daily driver)
65 VW Beetle (Under restoration)