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Thread: vr6 woes

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Forest Lakes w.a

    vr6 woes

    Gday All!

    Hopefully someone will be able to shed some light on the latest issues with the vr6.
    Two things:
    The car has started to make this click noise from front right hand wheel area, every time i take off, and it does the same thing mid gear change if im driving the car hard. C.V Joint maybe? but it doesnt click click click while turning, like a busted C.V usually does so im not sure....

    Second thing, the car has slowly started to feel really harsh over speed bumps and if i hit a slightly bumpy patch in the road while driving at speed, the arse end of the car kinda wobbles or stumbles and it feels like it floats/drifts out to one side... always to the left regardless if its on a bend or straight road.... happened last night on a bumpy stretch of the freeway at 100 clicks. scared the **** out of me. its definately worse the faster you are travelling

    any advice would be much appreciated.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Perth, WA
    No idea. Probably suspension rated. Perhaps a control arm?
    1996 Golf VR6 Colour Concept Green

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Kilsyth, VIC
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    Engine mounts loose? I know my back end felt a bit loose when mine were a little dead (and I mean two were non existant).

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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Ermington, Sydney
    The only thing that springs to mind RE the sideways bumping, is if one wheel has toe. After being in a mate's car all week that has camber and toe on the rear wheels, you feel a lot of rear end sideways action and it's fairly weird/hard to get used to! That said though, our wheels are preset at the back so unless something is bent I don't see how that would happen.

    The clicking noise...welcome to the club. I've got knocking sounds which could be the driveshaft, won't be the driveshaft, might be engine mounts, shouldn't be the engine mounts, it's a nucking fightmare.
    Mrk Detailing, premium automotive detailing. Paint correction/protection specialist. PM me

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    gold coast
    check wheel bearing asap, with mine having extremely stiff suspension and solid engine mounts i couldnt hear or feel mine until it started clicking under load (the rotor also started rubing on the caliper lmao)
    it would also explain the wierd handling too

    and it all happend really quickly within a day or too & i dont do too many kms

    gl man
    (]/_ O _____ O _\[)

  6. #6
    What's the status of the suspension in your car? New? Old? Upgraded or chopped out?

    The waywardness your're describing from the rear could sound a little like strut top mounts. The clicking in the front end and strange handling could be explained by a failed strut - if they fail they can click over high frequency corrugations and tend to feel very wayward. Also agree with some of the above posters that it could be an engine mount, or castor bushes/front lower control arms.

    Wheel bearing noise sounds more like a dull roar that gets louder as you speed up, so possibly not the clicking you hear.

    Failed/worn struts could also explain the waywardness from the rear. What have you got under there?

    Subaru WRX Wagon 06 + Peugeot 306 GTi6

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Forest Lakes w.a
    Thread Starter
    as far as i know it is just stock suspension. its really weird, it really feels like as you pass over bumps the rear of the car momentarily slides out to the side...
    in regards to the click at the front right wheels area, i have noticed now that when i am reversing my car out for work in the morning there is a strange kind of noise that comes from the same wheel which is constant while the car is in backward motion but immediately stops when the car stops rolling?? i definately think they are the same issue but i think il just have to take it in to the mechanics this week

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Rowville Melbourne
    i had a knock on acceleration and decelleration from the left side, one of the subframe bolts wasnt 100% tight. thats gone but a year later its doing it on the right side at times. ive had all new engine mounts, control arm bushes and shock mounts.
    id say the harshness over bumps may relate to your shock mounts. my car was shaky as anything before i changed those. check in ur engine bay at the top or ur shocks, if you've got a bit of a gap between the shock tower area and the little hat thing that fits on top then you may need to replace them, and replace the bearings while ur in there.
    im sure someone ahs a picture of worn shock mounts in the car to show you, i dont though sorry!

    as for the wandering side to side id suggest you look at or get someone to look at the bushes in ur rear swing arm (i dont know exactly what its called, but its the arm that both rear wheels suspension sits on, mk4's have roughly the same set up.) if the bushes are shagged in that its gonna cause some weird movements. they are a PITA to replace though, you have to take the whole swing arm thing out

    dunno if any of that'll help, hope it does!


  9. #9
    Join Date
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    West Sydney
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    Quote Originally Posted by sydVR6 View Post
    Failed/worn struts could also explain the waywardness from the rear. What have you got under there?
    Agreed. If they're still stock struts, change them out for new ones. Does a ****load to your ride quality as well as handling too.


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