Just curious as to whether the speed in the MK3 VR6 is limited in any way?
Have been reading some info on power upgrades and one mentions the removal of the speed limiting function.
If they are limited does anyone know what they are limited to?
Just curious as to whether the speed in the MK3 VR6 is limited in any way?
Have been reading some info on power upgrades and one mentions the removal of the speed limiting function.
If they are limited does anyone know what they are limited to?
1974 1300 Beetle, 1997 Golf GL, 2003 New Beetle Cabrio, 2014 Audi A4 quattro
Is limited by rpm in 5th, don't think there is a real speed limiter
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any idea of what the rev limit would be and what that would equate to in speed?
1974 1300 Beetle, 1997 Golf GL, 2003 New Beetle Cabrio, 2014 Audi A4 quattro
top speed is about 232 manual 228 auto or thereabouts . Its in the users manual .
I know overseas OBD cars were top speed limited . We had no limits here on Aus based ecu's
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1974 1300 Beetle, 1997 Golf GL, 2003 New Beetle Cabrio, 2014 Audi A4 quattro