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Thread: VR6 Project...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Users Country Flag

    VR6 Project...

    Im looking at buying a 95 vr6 for a project.
    its registered, apparently was driving fine until it started idling on 5 cylinders, says its coil pack, taking one with me to test.
    also has an oil leak which started recently, from front of engine, hoping its oil cooler seals, will check that out too.
    Now he guts of the build.
    it has 200k on the clock, not sure if chains have been done,
    other than that it needs a front grille, bonnet repair, and some general lovin.

    It is cheap,
    but if i do some quick maths
    chains = $220 and a hell of a ot of my time, which is ok.
    clutch and fly, might as well while im doing the chains. = $600
    billet crack pipe and replace hoses... also might as well while everything is out, easy to get to. $300
    Cams, possible.. etc

    now what im worried about it buying this thing for 1500,
    and having to spend another 4k on it,

    when i could have just bought a nice one for that.

    what do you guys think,
    im able to do most things myself, if not dad has been working on air-cooled and ford v8 stuff for 30 years, so i have help available.
    and time is not really an issue, i would like to keep it registered if possible, do have a dodgy rego guy.
    have a 14 weke uni break over summer in which i could carry out all work.

    final verdict.
    will this project blow out, and end up costing me more than a clean one
    or could i have myself a clean vr6 for around 3500?
    Scirocco R, APR 2+,VWR BBK,HP, QUAIFE, FORGE, VWR 18x9.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Central Coast, NSW
    I'd say it's possible but your taking the gamble nothing else is wrong which is the same buying any 2nd hand car. In my opinion spend that money on that sweet mk2 your getting

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter
    it could be alootttt of work, and not be right.
    the mk2 is sweet. and i have a deposit down on it has
    Scirocco R, APR 2+,VWR BBK,HP, QUAIFE, FORGE, VWR 18x9.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Central Coast, NSW
    If you want a vr6, just buy that mk2 and swap me

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Seems legit

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Get it running on 6, drive it around for a while to see if there is anything else wrong with it and see if it is worth spending any more money on. If it isn't sell it off for $1500ish and look for another one.
    1979 Mk1 Golf 2door (Under construction)
    1994 Mk3 Golf VR6T, Autronic SM4, GT30r, Peloquin, 288mm Brakes, B&G coilovers
    2000 Audi S4 Imola Wagon, Stage 3, J-fonz tune, F21's, ER SMIC, 034 DP's, JHM DTS, JHM Trio Short Shift, 350mm Brembo 6-pot, ABT coilovers, BBS CH, RNS-E, FBSW, Alpha 2.5 cat back

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Eastern Suburbs Melbourne

    all VR's are getting a bit old. Even 'nice ones' for 4K will still need work.

    Depends what the end goal is. if you've got the time, space, spare cash etc.

    hey, it might not even need chains, and you might get yourself a cheap VR for the price of a spare coil pack.

    Too many variables.

    i like volkswagens
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