leads/coilpack/plugs in any order or all at the same time!
Originally Posted by Robby K
I took the little beastie for the first decent drive on the weekend and uncovered a couple of issues..
Firstly after coming off throttle and getting back on in it again there is almost a jerking sensation (keep it clean boys and girls) Only does it after coming off throttle and felt like a throttle issue to me.. There was a definite slackness in the throttle cable so first of all I adjusted the cable and had a feel, the pedal feel was much better but the jerking sensation was still there, it feels almost like there is no power when initially depressing the go pedal then a jolt when the power comes on, it definately feels like a throttle issue to me, so next port of call was to pull the Throttle Body off and give it a clean. It was pretty grubby in there too, I was surprised at how blackened it realy was. I was going to clean the TPS as well but didnt have a torque bit the right size to get to it. Put the TB back on and the jerking has pretty much halved, its definitely still there but nowhere near as bad so I think the TPS may need to be cleaned or replaced to get the problem sorted.. Also found the PCV was rooted cracked and broken in about 73 places...lol... so thats gotta be replaced too....
Besides these little hiccups the car drives beautifully, such a smooth engine!
End Quote.
The above was from another thread ...
I pretty much have the same jerking issue with my VR6. I had it looked at by the mechanic, but was told there was slight clutch shudder.
Can someone tell me what is the throttle body, and where is it? What do I do to clean it, and what is the TPS?
leads/coilpack/plugs in any order or all at the same time!
80,000km 1997 MK3 VR6 manual for sale - www.vwwatercooled.org.au/forums/f23/80-000km-1997-manual-vr6-nsw-sydney-67658.html
Is the front engine mount OK. They fail pretty often and the engine can leap about a fair bit when you get on the throttle.
My car only showed signs of jerking after the major service. I had new plugs fitted.
Doesnt seem to jerk in first gear tho ... only in second, and sometimes on 3rd.
I hate it when the mechanic tells me there is nothing wrong! He did give the car a hard run, all my papers in the backseat were all over the place!
I dont think the leads were changed.
My VR6 is a 1998 model, how do I find out what leads I need?
Where can I buy the tool to remove the leads from the plugs?
The tool should be clipped to the bonnet prop. VW will be able to sell you one or search the net. There's a feww places that sell metal ones and obviously they last a lot longer than the plastic ones.
Dont purchase a new plastic one from VW! Those things are useless and break very easily. Get a proper metal version..
Dub Addiction is working on having some produced locally in the not too distant future but we have nothing to offer right now unfortunately!
I did make one myself though out of an old piece of metal tube i had at home. Crude but effective (you can see the broken plastic one in the background)
If this is the case its quite possible that one of the leads has gotten damaged during removal. The top of them can develop cracks in the insulation which causes the spark to leak. Especially if they have just been yanked on to get them out.
You can usually tell by reving the engine up and checking down the plug hole of each lead and seeing if you can spot a spark.