Mine's invisible. No where to be found in the car.
Anyone care to recommend a place to buy the leads and tool from?
has someone got pics?
Mine's invisible. No where to be found in the car.
Anyone care to recommend a place to buy the leads and tool from?
i am having the same problem. exactly the same and mine is after the major service too. so whatever solves your problem or if i find the solution, please can you inform me so i can solve this problem. thanks matt
]I just brought a set of leads of Tim (dubaddiction)Anyone care to recommend a place to buy the leads and tool from?
and one of these
Thanks for the links, I am going to take the car back to the mechanics, and see what he says again. Will let all know what he does to resolve the issue.
If I decide to keep the VR6 I will definitely purchase the tool. Thanks.
BTW do I have to remove the engine covers to get at the sparkies?
Mrk Detailing, premium automotive detailing. Paint correction/protection specialist. PM me
No joy at the mechanics. They seem unable to replicate the issues I have been experiencing. No signs of misfiring. But I am certain that I did not imagine them. Computer shows no record of error codes.
The misfiring appears to be intermitten and only occuring at low revs. I am not a mechanic, so hard for me to dispute what he says.
Fuel filter was changed at the major service, and my mechanic does not think its the fueline issue. Hopefully he does not charge me much for checking the car over. Anyone have anymore ideas? Perhaps I should sell the car.
So sorry all, not much of a help. I might just go ahead and buy the tool, and a set of iginition leads myself, and change them anyway.
I checked dubaddiction's website, they are out of stock![]()
Sorry about that! Have run out of the ones we normally import but I can source you a set locally for the same price within a few days. Shoot me through an email to sales@dubaddiction.com.au if you need help with them.
Our imported ones are probably still a couple weeks away
As for VR6 lead puller tools. I am working with a local fabricator to get a batch made up. We are just at the stage of sourcing materials at the minute.
Hey there Tim,
Yeah I was just about write an email to you. Feel like its time I got intimate with my Golf, and start doing some oil/filter changes as well.
Will write to you soon.
Update, went to pick the car up this morning. Thankfully (or not), the car played up on starting, and the mechanic reckons its an oil pump issue.
Having said that he mentioned that he had seen problems developing in the 4 cyc engines, but not with the VR6. I am now waiting for him to source the oil pump, and hopefully thats not going to cost too much (fingers crossed, but I anticipate its going to be expensive.)
Anyone came across an oil pump problem in the VR6? Any ideas how much it might cost to fix it?