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Thread: Vr6 issues. Semi urgent help needed

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Forest Lakes w.a

    Exclamation Vr6 issues. Semi urgent help needed

    Morning all

    Vr6 was misbehaving so last night I finally went through the most obvious procedures. Checked leads, ok, checked plugs, ok, checked coil pack and found some minute cracks. So then rebuilt a coil pack with circuitry of existing coil, and used the middle and coils from another that were ok. Fitted coil pack, then cleaned the MAF and checked oil.
    The power that it was lacking and the hesitation it had before are gone and it pulls like a demon but now as soon as you take your foot off the accel it wants to die/stall instantaneously. It doesn't seem to go away as motor warms up either. You have to keep gassing it or it just conks out....

    Any ideas

    Thanks in advance

    Last edited by dc10; 21-10-2010 at 12:04 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Forest Lakes w.a
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    Could it be caused by not giving the MAF enough time to dry maybe?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Camden, Sydney
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    What did you clean the MAF with? They are delicate. More likely you have knocked a pipe off the intake and created a massive vacuum leak.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Forest Lakes w.a
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    isoprpopyl alcohol. i am pretty sure that its not that now because it was out in the sun all day with the bonnet up so surely it would be dry by now, yet problem still occurs. i just tried swapping the bits over to make different coil pack up and it didnt make a difference. i checked all the leads all they were fine, even taped up the seals on the boots etc just for good measure.. i did notice last night that

    yeah a mate said it be a vaccum leak but i looked and everything seems in order (given that you mean near the bendy elbo above the MAF but before the throttle body..) unless there is somewhere else a leak can occur? is there a way to do vacuum test?

    could the fuel pump cause these sort of problems???? because maybe a year it crapped itself but at the time moolah was scarce so i took it apart and cleaned all the bits and replaced the seals, worked like new but theres no way of telling how long that will last


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