They power the injectors up and run a cleaning fluid thorugh them under pressure. Also using an ultrasonic bath to vibrate all the crap out/off them. If you know a friendly jeweller or dentist they might lend you the bath.
The other bit is a bit hard and not worth the effort IMO.
My wife used to be a dental nurse in the RAF and I used the UB at the weekends. Very handy for cleaning small parts.
I'd investigate the cost of new injectors from the states too if you are really after doing something with them. sell them cheap if they fit in V8s. I bought loads of red tops for G60s off them. They are made by Bosch for Ford racing. They were about £110 for 8 IIRC
you could sell the 4 you don't need and get yours for free. Different story as you need 6 but still could be worth a look.