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Thread: VR6 Accereration Hesitation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Western Sydney

    VR6 Accereration Hesitation

    1995 VR6 OBD1

    Hesitation when cold on acceleration. Starts and idles fine. Upon hard acceleration there is hesitation or flat spot for 2-3 seconds. It then revs. Upon quick release of the throttle the engine will stall, or stop firing on a cylinder or more and sound like a wrx.
    Seems to go alright when its warm.

    Throttle body - spotless
    Coilpack - no visible cracks or any arcing in the dark
    Maf - cleaned
    Fuel pressure - 45-50psi, upon removal of vacuum pipe from regulator, pressure increases.
    Vacuum pipes leak free
    ECU - Nice and clean

    On computer diagnostic.
    No errors relating to engine.
    Temp sensor working correctly.

    Also, on air con, pressure guages both low (regas pressure guages). Compressor??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Loose spark plug lead on one cylinder.
    Yep may sound silly but mine did that due to not having the correct tool to seat them for that "click".
    You would think it would ne the same warm and cold, but mine displayed the characteristics you described.
    See how u get on
    1996 VR6 Golf

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    VW Race HQ - Sydney
    Users Country Flag
    Oil pump
    Bug_racer supports the rebellion of the euro revolution

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Western Sydney
    Thread Starter

    I've replaced coil, leads, plugs.
    Only does this when it's cold. Once hot, it seems to run fine.
    It starts and idles fine, give it a bit of a rev and its like it's missing a cylinder or 2.

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