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Thread: VR6 AAA engine Rebuild vs Recon

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
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    VR6 AAA engine Rebuild vs Recon

    Hi all,

    Thanks for taking the time to read this, I know this question must have been asked a million times before and a quick search did reveal some results but nothing current.

    Has anyone had their VR6 engine rebuild or reconed? If so by who and dont mind me asking how much? Im putting together a budget for mine and wanted to know around how much I must put aside. I have called around and I get the usual "we have to have a look at the car" granted, but all I want to know is how much?

    Some basic info, Chains need to be done, its going to become a turbo (so im getting a new value set, stronger springs and the works and ARP Hardware).

    Any help is greatly appreciated.
    1994 MK3 VR6 (Remus box) Daily
    1996 MK3 GL (Remus catback and CAI) R.I.P

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Bairnsdale & Ferntree Gully, Victoria
    I dont know if this answers your question at all...
    I gave my 240k km motor a freshen up. Chain/timing gear, water pump, new gaskets all round, basically all new cooling other then radiator, new mounts, new filters, new leads, new spark plugs, new intake. Head was tested, dipped, new guides, valves cleaned and cut, multi angle valve job, skimmed.
    I think $500 was spent on the head (we did the multiangle job, disassemble, reassemble ourself so saved a fair few $$), another ~1.5k on parts, labour was basically free as it was myself and mates.

    Most of that was just to freshen up, I only upgraded parts if it needed replacing anyway.
    Already had a lighter flywheel and HD clutch so saved myself a few $$ there.

    I didnt do any real performance stuff like new cams, bigger valves etc, and didnt touch the bottom end other then pulling parts of old water blades out of the chambers. I imagine a set of cams, springs, bigger valves would add $750 minimum before labour if you go with the cheaper companies
    Bora gone
    Vento VR6
    7P Touareg TDI

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Thanks so much Dylan, TBH that would be the ideal situation where I will be able to sit and do everything myself, but I don't have mechanical know how and time, that's why I'm hoping to rather just send it to a workshop, thinking Volkspower, Volkscare or German Auto tech. I'm expecting something along the lines of 5k for a rebuild, I don't want to cheap out but I also don't want my pants pulled down over the price.

    Thanks for your input again.
    1994 MK3 VR6 (Remus box) Daily
    1996 MK3 GL (Remus catback and CAI) R.I.P

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Bairnsdale & Ferntree Gully, Victoria
    I did it myself as a learning experience. The help of the internet, bentley manual and friends was plenty.
    If you can afford to not have the car running for a period of time then its fine.

    Try Volkwerke too. I guess $$ depends on how far you want them to go, whats wrong with it and so on. Mine was running ok before I pulled it apart other then some leaky gaskets, dead control arm, and over heating from exploded water pump. Id imagine more of it would be labour costs then actual parts
    Bora gone
    Vento VR6
    7P Touareg TDI

  5. #5
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    Yeah, you right. Thanks for that I'll call volkswerke. It's not running, it can turn over but it's making a loud rattling sound. I know the chains need to be done and there was nothing wrong with it ( no funny sounds ) when I drove it last, got home and switched it off then hooped into it the next day and started it and then heard this sound.

    Havnt started it since
    1994 MK3 VR6 (Remus box) Daily
    1996 MK3 GL (Remus catback and CAI) R.I.P

  6. #6
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    I did notice this part hanging from the bumper when I got the towed?!?
    1994 MK3 VR6 (Remus box) Daily
    1996 MK3 GL (Remus catback and CAI) R.I.P

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Inner West, NSW
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    I think thats your outside air temp sensor for the MFA?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Sorry but MFA??? If it helps it's on the left hand side of the car (if you outside the car looking straight at it)
    1994 MK3 VR6 (Remus box) Daily
    1996 MK3 GL (Remus catback and CAI) R.I.P

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Inner West, NSW
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    I'm assuming you've got a Vr6? If so, your MFA is the thing on your dash that you can switch through to show oil temp, L/100km etc

  10. #10
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    Yep, ahh ok, I take it's not suppose to hang like that. I'll start searching more on it. Thanks DruceJnr
    1994 MK3 VR6 (Remus box) Daily
    1996 MK3 GL (Remus catback and CAI) R.I.P

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