are you going for all polished? should look ace!
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are you going for all polished? should look ace!
i think im gonna cheat and paint it black between the runners. But i think that looks better than all polished anyways.
Get a stencil and airbrush a pattern on it or something, I've never seen anyone put art on their intake manifold you could be the first! I suggest a nice bio-hazard or DANGER logo.
i know youre all hanging out for an update so this is my progress so far!
getting there. Im gonna need to get some sort of polishing compound soon. Not sure. ill need to do some research maybe on how to get that really impressive shine.
I've used Mother's and it works great, though for a super high quality finish you might want to look into using a rotary... Are you gonna seal it?
yeah ill need to find some sort of high temp clear coat i guess. Ill cross that bridge when i come to it though.
If i get bored with the whole thing the finish on it at the minute already looks 10000000x better than standard.
nah no logos. No offense to vww but i think it would just make it look a bit tachy. Id prefer a nice clean look.
yeh you could use a super fine sandpaper (like 3000?) and then finish is off with "brasso" i've used that and it is really good.
looking at it again, black in the middle bits would definitely look awesome. i too also like the plain look, no logos.