lol well as long as the front two are working then I'm happy, the driver's one just got changed for rwc, so hopefully it'll last a while.
Also, when should I get insurance? If I get it tomorrow arvo, will it be active for that night?
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Yes usually insurance cover begins immediately.
Well the current owner wasn't able to get the rwc done by today, but he has the document to say that the engine bay needs a steam clean, and he's going to give me the money for this as well as for the rwc cost.
Can I still legally drive/insure this car if the rwc isn't done? Is the rwc just for transfer of ownership for the QLD Transport's records?
Not sure about insurance, depends how/if the car is covered, but if it is still regoed I suppose you can drive it. But yes, RWC is only when transfering ownership, and he has a legal obligation to obtain one before the transfer.
I'll call up the insurance company, understandably I don't want to do something illegal and have anything bad happen. Plus, I don't want to get the car, then go get the rwc done, and find out I have to also pay some fee for rego transfer.
edit: AAMI says that as long as the car is registered then they can insure it, so that's good to hear, but my parents don't want to buy the car without all the documents in proper form, so looks like I'll have to wait.
Well the owner says he's just too busy to get the rwc done, so now my only option is to take it at $6,200 and get the rwc done myself, or get my bond refunded and go on my way.
Carsales ad says it's registered till June, so I assume that still stands, but this is getting annoying, first he's selling it with rwc, now without, what are the implications of this?