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Thread: Sticky Airco Switch?

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  1. #1

    Question Sticky Airco Switch?

    Hi All,

    New member - I've just bought my daughter a '95 build / 96 compliance Mk III GL.

    I have one small query for the group - no doubt more will arise as I get used to the car . The airco switch in the dash cluster sticks - when you press it, it won't click all the way back out again. After about a dozen attempts it will usually click back again and toggle the airco on or off depending on where you started, but it seems to be getting worse and I am afraid it will soon fail completely.

    Any suggestions - are these easy to source/ get at to replace? Or should I just squirt a dose of WD40 in there and hope it works its usual wonder?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    They shouldnt be too hard to source if u need a new one. U can pop it off and there are i think two really small springs that help it to bounce back, perhaps one of them is stuck or sumthing. So pry it off and have a look, just be careful as the springs tend to bounce off.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Ermington, Sydney
    As Pedro said easiest way to check is to take the little plug itself out. When I took the front panels of my dash off (I was changing a bulb) I checked all of them cos one of mine didn't work too well.
    Mrk Detailing, premium automotive detailing. Paint correction/protection specialist. PM me

  4. #4

    One step forward, one back

    Thanks for the advice. After a happy hour of fiddling I now have the airco switch working , but the vent/circulate switch next to it sticking . I figure that's preferable as nothing I do seems to have them both functional at the same time. I figure the two switch blocks are somehow interfering with each other so will try to source replacements.


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