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Thread: Steering column cover

  1. #1
    jettapilot Guest

    Steering column cover

    The lower half of the steering column cover has fallen off. So the wiring is exposed. If it was held on with a clip, the clip has broken. Could this be glued back in place, or does it have to be easily removable?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Pacific Paradise QLD
    Users Country Flag
    Are there any obvious clips or broken bits or perhaps some holes where screws might have been.
    Needs to be accessible perhaps in the future

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Users Country Flag
    They break all the time, some seem to have screws, some just clips. If you're unsure about the glue.... velcro?

  4. #4
    jettapilot Guest
    Accessibility was my concern. We've used tape, but in the hot weather, it falls off

  5. #5
    jettapilot Guest

    Actually the whole thing comes off easy. There are screw holes and a new part would be easy to put on - even for me. Just need to source the part for reasonable price.


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