awsome work I wanted to buy a crane but I thought i'd only use it once lol, maybe you can rent it out to people
Ok progress update!
Monday i got to work on it. Cleared out the garage the night, got the car in and started at about 8.30, worked until about 11pm and was pretty happy with my progress, by 11 oclock i had a fair bit of stuff disconnected from the engine, coilpack off, leads off, whole front of the car off, aircon disconnected with condenser removed, radiator removed, front bar removed.
Tuesday i sucked it up and bought an engine crane from Super Cheap Auto. $362 bucks! kinda more than i wanted to pay but i can always sell it.
Didnt get much done tuesday as the missus was over, talking to me about a trip we are taking starting sunday.
got the intake manifold off and the pipes that connect to the exhaust mani's disconnected. thats about all though.
I will get pictures up asap though ive got a few!
Today ill get it out i hope, tomorrow night ill have the engine stripped, and friday im gonna get my brother to take it all to R G Bakers for the work.
awsome work I wanted to buy a crane but I thought i'd only use it once lol, maybe you can rent it out to people
yeah ill probably only use it once haha oh well, ive already got one guy i can rent it out to
more progress!
wednesday night i got the engine out! and the gear box off it!
found out i do need a new clutch, so im pricing up a clutch and pressure plate from work.
also decided that even though i replaced the timing chains and tensioners and guide rails and whatnot about a year or two ago, im going to do it again not because i think they will be worn but because i think the plastic that the guides are made of is pretty crap and they are going to be brittle and in taking them out i may weaken them and after spending this much money and time im not going to have it all s**t itself because of a 20 dollar part.
Ill also be replacing the timing chain gears for the cams, oil pump and crank, because i didnt replace them when i did the timing chains because i forgot them, and they were a little worn from what i remember.
going to price up and probably replace the oil pump as well, just cos its been in there for the last 12 years and may be worn. ill see what it looks like and how it measures up when i have it out.
i dont have time to get pictures up just yet, ill do it on the weekend i promise!
tonight ill strip the engine and my brother will take the head and the bear block to R G Bakers friday.
Nice work Steve.
nice work man looks like il be dropping mine off on monday also
OMG im so tired!
ok its nearly 1am friday morning and im pretty much dont for the night.
Just finishing up typing out my instructions for R G Bakers for the head and block.
It was a little more work than i anticipated but after a couple hiccups we got there in the end. Hiccups like cant get this or that off, nothing really serious.
Ok so with it all apart, i can now see it was a good idea to replace pistons. Ill put pictures up tomorrow night or saturday, but a couple of the pistons have bigger scuff marks at the sides than i expected. cant remember now if they were on the thrust side or now, strangely i think they were NOT on the thrust side which confused me but whatever, oversize pistons FTW!
The bores still retain the original honing marks, except in the area where the scuffing on the pistons happened, there isnt any hone marks there, just up and down lines :S piston 6 had the most scuffing, the one that coincidentally had the least compression!
the top of the pistons and the wedge at the top that the pistons make are all carboned up. like it looks terrible! there is definately a lip at the top of the piston travel.
the first centimeter or so of ring travel is stuffed, no honing marks, discoloured, just looks crap. piston rings, some have marks perhaps front scuffing?
the head gasket was stuffed. not around the bores or anything, it still kept pressure and whatnot but where the coolant passes through it it was rusted out and scum had built up on top and bottom. EEWWW...
head itself was ok. fait bit of carbon in combustion chamber area but all looks good.
cool, we will be gettin our stuff worked on at the same time, thats great practice for him! are you taking it to R G Baker too? have you talked to him about it yet, cos he didnt mention anyone else was gettin the same sorta thing done. though i suppose he might not...
anyway im getting my brother to deliver it tomorrow before lunch sometime, with my instructions, and all the parts im supplying, and the lower intake manifold and exhaust manifolds. going to bed wait, ive still got to pick all the parts and finish typing the instructions. i cant wait for work tomorrow, its gonna be super!
ps, pics tomorrow or the next day!
how do i post pictures properly?
yeah probly mate i only rang him last monday so yeah
what sort of instructions are you giving him?
i just let him know what i wanted, asked a few questions and then he ran me through how he would go about it.
cool ill try that! (with the photos)
the instructions i gave him were just details of what i needed/wanted done.
basically split it into head and block.
-rebuild head
-gasket match to lower intake manifold and exhaust manifolds
-port and polish to match supplied larger intake and exhaust valves
-install cams provided
-bore and hone to pistons provided at 82mm
-clean thoroughly all oil and coolant galleries
-wrap block for protection
thats basically it. just detailed what i wanted done. called him today after it was all delivered and he'd read the instructions and he said all is good. so over the next three weeks he will be doing all that.
he said it shouldnt take that long, only about one and a half to two weeks, but i will be goin on holidays to egypt (WOOO!) for three weeks so he;s got plenty of time to get it all done.
ill try get pictures on now