those steelies would look rad on a mk 1!
Baller offsets, would suit perfect!
those steelies would look rad on a mk 1!
Baller offsets, would suit perfect!
spewing mate... awesome while it lasted anyways and definately turned heads too.... youll be able flip them pretty quickly if you wanted...
if i were you, E30 BMW or E36... i saw a two door E36 for like $4k yesterday and was pretty sweet... hmmmmmmm side car project for me perhaps... nah im goiing back to Chevs if i have a project car...
We do need update on your other motor though??? whats doin
ok, lights, i've flipped my last idea on it's head so now here's v.2.
I'll be mounting the projector actually inside the headlight so the projector lens is almost head butting the glass, below is how it's doing . . .
dummy fit and check...
cardboard template...
bought some metal, traced out my template and cut cut...
and vwala...
Now just need to cut a hole in the middle, then secure the metal to the housing and then mount the projector to the metal. Sounds do-able right?
Looking good Alex!
long time no see! After miss communication with my mate and mucking around with my daily rides i'm back onto the vr Especially after Super Lap World Time Attack I have oodles of inspiration!
So the past two saturdays i've been down at the workshop piecing back together the engine; All done bar waiting on the new thermo housing (old one has had a crack repaired at some stage) and reco'd injectors(if these max out i'll be selling them) ...
So, I just need to put the rear brakes bake together, get it towed and drop it in! computer and exhaust and turn the key!
after seeing this, this and this vid i'm loosing my mind! + his cams aren't as aggressive
Cant wait to hear how this thing goes!