After a few days running 95, still idling ruff, odb connector Nd software arrived today, will be checking for any codes that might point to why my idle is choppy
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The 1k idle when cold and settling down to about 800 is normal, designed to help get the engine temperate up to normal range quickly during cold weather. When it is warm weather or when the engine is still warm you will find that it will idle at 800 rpm at start.
1997 Golf CL, 2011 Caddy Life TDI, 2007 Golf TDI, 1996 Vento GL (red), 2008 Skoda Octavia TDI
1996 Vento GL (white) - RIP
After a few days running 95, still idling ruff, odb connector Nd software arrived today, will be checking for any codes that might point to why my idle is choppy
Sent from my ONEPLUS A3010 using Tapatalk
Hyundai Getz (2015 -- 2017)
Golf Mk3 GL 95' (2017 - 2018 - Now)
Golf MK2 GTi 91' (2018 - Now)
Unfortunately no, I've just learnt to live with it, I tracked down a vacuum leak to the breather tubes that come out of the crankcase and up into the valve train breather which helped the idle a little bit, I'll probably replace all the injectors and plugs incase one of them is malfunction. My father's hiace had a really bad hunting problem low down in the revs but was solved with fresh plugs and leads. Could you please post a video of your idle?
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Hyundai Getz (2015 -- 2017)
Golf Mk3 GL 95' (2017 - 2018 - Now)
Golf MK2 GTi 91' (2018 - Now)
Have you looked at ECU relay 30 and fuel pump relay 167? My friend's Audi80 2.0 which has pretty much the same engine as yours was idling rough and drives okish. We replaced the ecu relay and problem solved.
Considering the Klms that doesnt seem too bad, I assume you have new plugs leads distributor cap and rotor/distributor arm?
Coil maybe a little touchy after that sort of distance but seems fine,
that could also be down to idle corrections from the ECU which ties things in such as the MAF sensor , CPS sensor, but really it seems fine
Dirty throttlebody? Cold start temp sensor? ( little plug in from engine flange it has temp gauge sender and cold start sender in it) proabably and dirty throttle body, clean out distributor cap rotor arm check plugs leads, worst thing it could be is the oxygen sensor as they are hard to get out wouldnt worry abou that until it starts chewing petrol
Hey Mate,
sorry for the late reply. I don't seem to be getting notifications from this website when I get replies...
I'll try to get a video for you. I recently found vacuum leak near the one way valve back to the throttle body from the brake booster hose. I was able to temporary seal it with some emergency tape and it seems to have settled the hunting. I'm now idling just under the 800rpm mark too.
VW MK2 Golf GTI 8V 1991
VW MK3 Vento 1995 Daily Driver