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Thread: Radio Not Working

  1. #1

    Radio Not Working

    Sorry for posting this if it's in the wrong forum.

    Major issues with Veronica (VW Vento 96) this morning. Battery went dead, back windows both not working arghh

    Anyway, I replaced the battery and now the radio isn't working. Just looking in the manual, it says the the battery must have the same capacity (12 Volts)

    I notice this one has up to 14 volts. Could this be the problem ?

    Just adding to that, the radio does show that it is getting a charge it has 3 dashes ---
    Last edited by VentoHead; 27-08-2012 at 01:26 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    I doubt the battery has anything to do with it, 14 volts sounds right if the car is running.

    Is it a standard radio? Maybe you need to put in the radio code or something as the battery has been disconencted? I've never had to do it as I never really used the stock radio, but I think it would be something like that if its showing signs that it is getting power. Hopefully someone else can chime in with some more information

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Users Country Flag
    Sounds like it needs the security PIN if it's the factory VW (Eurovox) unit.

    If you haven't got the PIN (it'll be the plastic envelope your owners' manual is in), you'll need to take the car to your local VW dealer, so they can obtain the serial number and obtain the PIN from VW's database.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  4. #4
    Cheers for the replies. Yep standard radio but have never had to use the pin before.

    Had a look through the manual and have found some writing (my dads) "battery 1244" which I guess is the code for the radio...

    Could anyone tell me how to enter it ? There's nothing in the manual what says what to do


  5. #5

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Melbourne, VIC

    Turn the ignition on and turn the radio on, it will display the number 1, which means this is your 1st attempt at getting the code right (I think you have 3 tries). Enter the code on the preset buttons on the front of the radio and if you got it correct it will switch to the tuning display within a few seconds. If you get it wrong you will get the number 2 on the display etc..
    Past: '77 VW Golf GLS Mk1 3-door, 2 x '95 VW Golf CL Mk3 3-door, 2015 Mk7 90 TSI Manual
    Present: 2018 VW Golf GTI Original Manual Mk7.5, 2006 VW Caddy Life Camper


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