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Thread: queation re aluminium aftermarket radiators

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Leichhardt, NSW
    Users Country Flag

    queation re aluminium aftermarket radiators

    Hi all, looking at various aftermarket radiators, I've noticed that all of them are closed off where the coolant temp sensor goes. What would be the effect of not havingthis sensor in? Would this mean my coolant temp sensor would not work on my dash? Would this also mean that my fan wouldn't come on and I would over heat? Opinions or advice from anyone that has fitted an aftermarket Aluminium radiator would b much appreciated!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Melbourne, Mexico
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    The gauge sender isn't in the radiator, so that will still work.

    The fan switch is what's in the radiator and of course it will blow itself up quicktime the first occasion you get stuck in traffic, if not before.

    Why are you looking for an aluminium one? Can't get a std replacement? I am not aware that the std ones are a regular failure item. Although they are all pretty old now.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Leichhardt, NSW
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    Yeah, but i cant track down a new aluminuim one for cheaper than a standard new onw that has plastic tanks. More importantly, the Aluminium ones cool more efficiently...


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