You need to update this Steve.
So last weekend, Steve dropped off lots of Vr6 pieces in varying states of disrepair.
The block has been left in the weather and a couple of the bores were getting rusty and looking gnarly.
Thus, the bottome end was in dire need of a hone and new rings and bearings.
The before pics are above, here is how the block looks now.
The head has been polished on the outside and made to look shiny, but the internals were somewhat the worse for wear.
The ports had been attacked by some baboon with a grinder and would probably have impeded flow, so we had to do a bit of a port job. Steve didnt want to spend the money for a 30 hour race port, so we did an intermediate job. Still spent ten hours tidying up the mess and improving the flow.
Then sent the head away for a small deck and a reseat of the valves and new valve stem seals. the valve guides were worn, so they had to be renewed too.
Looking good now. Here is how the head looks today.
Next will be a Mk4 metal head gasket, new timing chains and reassembly.
We also still need to clean up and re-port the lower part of the Shrick manifold which has also been Babooned.
Car should go great with a fresh engine and the cams, shrek and chip that he has already and obviously the improved flow.
Now you need to get the rest of the car back together Steve.