The boot light would be covered up by the side panels that I made so I took htat into consideration and made the light cable longer for the light to be relocated J
The back of the car needed a panel so I made another panel out of plywood something thin and poked a hole through it for the light J
If you can see I didn’t really get a good shot but if you look down the bottm you can see a vinyl line that’s where it sits and it shines light towards the sub. I will fit a LED bulb in there to give it some more light J
Did a quick test fit and noticed that the panels needed to be pushed out slightly so I bent some thin strips of aluminium and then painted them black cause no one would see them and painting them would look more professional. They push the side panels in nice and tight so that there is no gaps in the corners.
You will see where the brackets get put later on J
The weekend that just passed was a big one and I was really happy with the progress that I got through J
After a couple of months ago I cleaned up the wheel well and sprayed some zinc and rust kill I finally was able to spray it just quickly so that it looked a lot more better and professional hehe.
I then setup my Sub and wire holes and secured them into place. The wires that will run from the sub to the amp will come through this bit of lathed aluminium