LOL they don't have the parts in stock :(
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I think you'll probably have your bits before my seat subframes get here :(
Any more done on the car Steve?
Not much hopefully within the next few weeks I will have some updates for you all :)
OK fellas just a quick small update with no pics but I will put some pics up tomorrow with some bigger updates.
But for now:
I have picked up my GL moulds from Loon 2 weeks ago and I will giving them a lick of paint to darken them before putting them on.
I have also been tinkering with my boot install that I will be installing aswell taken me a few weeks but its pretty much getting there.
There have been some changes to my interior aswell looking alot better now and its definately different:)
And pretty much just doing a few touchups, but now since yesterday some stupid crackhead blonde (apologies to the female blonde VW drivers:D) but I am now getting a full respray from top to bottm after the accident, pics tomorrow but just thought I would update as I have neglected this thread abit lol.
Hey all,
I promised you guys some pics so here they are, some of the shots date back to the 9th and 10th February just haven't had the time to post up and a big post is good once in a while lol.
So here goes:
February 9th
The previous couple of weeks before this date there had been a fair bit of down poor and in some places there have been some real big flash flooding, but it was good to know that the rain was coming down, anyway that Saturday I had the chance to start work on my boot install, now if you guys remember the Sub that I showed you guys thats what I will be using and a amp of course hehe! So pretty much backed drove the car in the garage and started as I folded the rear seats forward I had noticed that there was water had somehow got in there, it puzzled me it rained fairly hard so this could have been the cause of the problem. I then traced it all the way back to the boot and to the left rear light:(
So I tackled that before I did anything else to the car!
Took the boot liner out and let it dry this wet a small amount but came out nicely with a vacuum:)
A small little rust patch that I encountered and hit it hard with rustkill and painting it back up.
The wheel well had a small puddle in there and could have almost resembled a small pond but without the birds, quickly mopped it up and made sure that it was thoroughly dry
I then took the rubber that surrounds the boot off and gave behind there a thorough clean with some solution and tending to any rust spots with some rust kill, primer and then some Alpine white colour of the car.
I know moved onto to the lights at the back, to my suspiscions the left one was loose enough to let water through and it was evident with water that sat inside the seal, gave it a clean and then took about 10 years worth of leaves out of it small patch but it was there.
Cleaned it out nicely until it looked like this:)
I then did the same treatment to the other side to give it a real nice clean. The screws on the right hand side were really tight and there was no way no water was going in there:)
Either way I took it out and gave it a clean to there was no leaves on the right havd side, this probably being cause the right hand side is always pointing at traffic:D
Thats how dirty it was hardly anything but when it was cleaned it came up like the other one in the previous post!
Then gave the rear lights a quick clean:
And this was the dirt that came out of the left light.
Doesn't look like much from far upbut it was a small palm full.
Then gave the whole boot a really good clean just to make sure that it is thorough with the vacuum and solution.
I then tidied up the cables that ran to the back of the car which where the lights with just some black electrical tape to make it look a little cleaner so now instead of looking like alot of different wires, just looks like two big ones:)
Small pic of the outcome of it all, not really much but it was a small hurdle that I faced on that day.
10th Feb
Being the Sunday I really didn't want to use the power tools cause it was loud, but stuff it I did it anyway:D
I know went onto starting the floor of the boot, measured this up along the original floor to get a rough idea of what needed to be cut out, what we are using is 10mm MDF board, I didn't want to go to thick cause I didn't want to place to much weight in the boot.
After a few cuts and some minor adjustments I think I nailed it and fitted like a glove which was good!
My dad then helped me with the measuring up of the backboard for the boot, it will sit on a slight angle and will house in due course a inverted sub, also which will sit behind it is a amp and battery from the front which I hope to be relocating soon hopefully before it goes into paint that is!
Once we had that soughted out I then put the back lights back on and we then cut the supports that would raise it to the height that re required!
My dad was a great help during this project he helped me through it and gave me a hand when I got stuck :cool:
Also his power tools where a great help aswell including the air compressor system that we used for the staples.
Using glue and the air compressor which we used 18mm close staples secured the supports to the base of the floor, the air compressor was great heaps of help and made the job alot easier.
Lines up very nicely and flush with the sides of the boot which what we where hoping for!
Then cut out the false floor, now I know it seems tight but I can actually get the tyre out noproblems with a little modifications its sweet:)
That was really all that weekend the water problem actually took up a fair bit of time which was a bummer get it had to be done and was good when we found it.
12th Feb
Was a Tuesday and I took half a day and then went a visited a man in the western suburbs about some interior specials.
"Some say that this man if you where to open up his heart there would actually be a 16v kicking in there, others say that his brain has been manufactured from VW itself, we call him Golf Loon":D
Anyway I won't bore you guys with my ramblings on but here are the pics!
We had to modify the back bracketbut cutting it in half and then redrilling holes for perfection fitting.
Does anyone else see the drill bit bending lol.
Didn't actually get any pics of the back seats but they are in and I sat down in them that night and almost fell asleep they where awesome, more bolster than the VR6 seats and the same on the toush one, but man its fricken awesome to get in your car of a morning and smell the cow hide:D
I really didn't do anything last weekend it was my dads 50th and I thought I would just relax.
I had cut out the false floor and also cut a small groove so that you can stick your finger in to lift it up:)
I then proceeded to start applying foam sponge on all of the boards to give it that nice soft touch when someone pressed it, I think it also added something to it and it makes it look more expensive and really satisfiying when you see the end product:)
This being the backboard I also cut the subwoofer whole making sure that it was in the centre took us like 20 tries to line it up and all good in the end:D In the next pic you can also see how fat the foam is compared to the MDF 10mm MDF compared to 12mm foam which I had pruchased from Clark rubber in Carringbah, I applied spray adhesive to the board and then to the foam making sure I had contact everywhere, left it till it was really tacky and then continued. I also left a little overhang to fill out the boot when the vynil is wrapped around it.
The base then had to be modified with some sanding a gradual incline so that the wheel would come out nice and easy, we also cut down the thread that the wheel screws in to to make it fit, which we then sprayed primer and Alpine white to make it all nice:)
You can't really see it there but there is a incline that just lets you take the wheel in and out really nicely and without to much fuss.
Just a few more pics of the finished product of what I have so far, which is basically the backboard, floor and false floor done.
I have marked up the hoes for where the Sub will be sitting and its awesome so far its rewarding doing it yourself I feel big grin and hopefully someone will like what I have done so far.
I also have false sides that I am doing aswell that will enclose the boot and make it smaller and one piece but I think its cool anyway. The false sides will house tools and jack if I need it knock on wood I don't.
False floor covered in vinyl its awesome stuff didn't want leather cause its a waste of money and with the right treatment vinyl comes up rally good to!
Backboard with its marking in red of whre to drill the holes for the Sub.
And basically what I have so far:)
Hope you guys like put a smile on my face:)