Hahaha nice, I think you spend more time outside the car ogling it that actually driving it! j:
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Hahaha nice, I think you spend more time outside the car ogling it that actually driving it! j:
Looking good Steve! Paint the rims black.
Haha thanks mate I have been thinking about that actually, I need to repaint the calipers again for the fronts but also need to do the rears as they have never been done before.
Just another quick update I have been toying with my mind the last few days about relocating the battery to the rear thanks for the idea raymond. This will no doubtably give the vr6 more breathing space at the front of the car and will also look less cluttered.
On Saturday while I was fitting my stock wheels I was speaking to a guy by the name of Marc Hammond from Club Audi NSW and saw and was looking at his engine bay of his 1.8T quattro.
I was like where the hell is your battery? He told me it was where it was suppose to be back behind the small shelf I looked and there was this small plastic box shaped battery look a likes, he then gave me more information and put me in the right direction of where to go.
The battery only ways 7kg and is super tiny, even if I put this at the front of the car it will be barely noticeable what are your guys thoughts, priced at $340 is it worth it?
at $340 u better be buying a drycell. optima blue top:D
Yep and at 7kg compared to 30kg its a little lighter :)
If you place the battery in the rear, it could help out with weight distribution, and no doubt a heavier one would help out more when it comes to the nose heavy VR6. Then again, 23kg weight saved is a lot, but it's a lot of money.
Interesting looking battery I'll give it that, and saving that much weight...
How about you relocate the small one to the boot :D Best of both worlds!
I have thought about that and it still is alot of money to do, it would look fantastic with a smaller battery but then again a relocated battery will look pretty fantastic to, not to mention it will alot easier to get to the lights in that corner is it can be a struggle.
Raymond I will see how you will go with your reloction of the battery as I am trying to find some information as well :)
Guys putting the batttery in the back upsets the dynamics of car dramtically espically in a Mk1 so be careful n:
i think its a waste of money... $340... saves most likley 10kg.. :confused: