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Thread: Problems with your ABS?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Thumbs up Problems with your ABS?

    Just thought that I would share my experience with my ABS issues.

    From what I hear (this is a prolific issue with the MK3's).

    Owned my Golf for a few months now, purchased it with the ABS light on. Sometimes the handbrake light comes on to.

    Troubleshooting, included starting with VAG-COM to see what the problem was. The computer reported rear right sensor.

    I did the following:

    - Cleaned all the sensors (surprised at how much build up there was)
    - Re-seated all the ABS modules and sensor plugs
    - Swapped the sensors in the rear
    - Ordered a new rear sensor (installed but got the same fault)

    After further research, I found out that this is a very common problem with the ATE ABS controller that is bolted to the bottom of the ABS block and Pump.

    Firstly, you can removed the ABS controller without removing the brake lines, the pump or making any disconnection to the breaking system. (And the car will drive around without any issues (other than no ABS)

    You need a 4mm socked and remove the 4 bolts off the ABS control module.

    I did have to bend/ slightly move the brake lines to remove the ATE controller... it just drops straight down. The job took 10min max.

    I dropped the controller to (in Sydney) in the morning - and it was fixed by the afternoon $200 later.

    Apparently 99% of all failures in the ATE ABS Controller is dry soldering joints.

    Well for me, I could not drive around with lights on the dash, and the ABS system not working, so it was a must !

    Hope this helps !
    Mk3 2.0 8v Injected AGG

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    balwyn north victoria

    Box Location.

    Hi Mate ,Thanks for the advice ,
    Would you by anychance have a pic of the a.b.s box location ?
    No rush though ,

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
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    See attached

    Attachment 3329
    Mk3 2.0 8v Injected AGG

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    That is gold - I'd definitely try this before going through replaceing the whole thing - -bleeding it up is diabolical and wastes a huge amount of fluid...better left to someone with experience and a vag-com....managed it all the same with no exp and my vag-com
    96 VR6, Black

  5. #5
    Well, make sure to scan with VAG-COM before pulling anything apart - you might save yourself a lot of work.

    I bought my current VR6 with the ABS light on and then proceeded to scan.
    Two errors were shown 1) rear wheel sensor 2) brake pedal position sender.

    I cleaned the rear wheel sensors and reset the error log.

    In subsequent scanning, the rear wheel sensor error did not return, but the brake pedal position sender error remained.

    Obtained a brake pedal position sender from ETKA (for around $130) which was an easy DIY R&R. (The sender mounts up to the vacuum booster).

    Moral of the story? When I bought the car I was prepared for the worst, in terms of potentially needing a replacement or reco ABS module, but with a little exploratory VAG scanning, the ABS problem was fixed more painlessly.
    Last edited by sydVR6; 23-01-2009 at 04:00 PM.

    Subaru WRX Wagon 06 + Peugeot 306 GTi6

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Kilsyth, VIC
    Users Country Flag
    In the VR6 I get this error:

    Address 03: ABS Brakes
    Controller: 3A0 907 379 A
    Component: ABS/EDS ITTAE 20 GI V00
    Coding: 03604
    Shop #: WSC 01648
    2 Faults Found:
    00285 - ABS Wheel Speed Sensor: Front Right (G45)
    35-00 - -
    01276 - ABS Hydraulic Pump (V64)
    16-00 - Signal Outside Specifications
    I fixed the speed sensor, but the other "ABS Hydraulic Pump" still remains. The light doesn't come on so it doesn't bother me, but if re-soldering all the joints is all that is required (assuming I have the ABS that can be removed without problem) I could always give that a bash myself... interesting.

    If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit

  7. #7
    I'm having exactly the same problem on my vr6. fixxed it for 200? on the site he quotes 350

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Ermington, Sydney
    Quote Originally Posted by The_Hawk View Post
    I could always give that a bash myself.
    Just what I was thinking I don't think my ABS works. But then again, and thankfully, I haven't come across a situation where I've needed it.
    Mrk Detailing, premium automotive detailing. Paint correction/protection specialist. PM me

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    You don't need it!
    I'm soo euro even my missus is shaved...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
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    ABS is for pussies, brake lock ups are great, especially in the wet, doubly so when the rears lock first
    2008 VRS Wagon. Yellow, very yellow!
    Forever blowing bubbles.

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