Normally its the control arm bush that tore that would allow that kind of play. Check the balljoint and the rear control arm bush.
I was heading to the geelong meet yesterday when my golf started making a clicking noise from the drivers side front wheel. I pulled over and put some pressure on it pushing it towards the back of the car, I noticed that the whole wheel shifted back when you pushed it back and sprang forwards when you let go. I opened the bonnet and did it again and noticed the whole strut top moved. So this morning I put a new strut top in but it still does it. I pushed on the wheel and looked under the car but the control arm stayed still. It appears to be the whole strut assembly is moving along with the hub. Would it make scene that the wheel bearing would be stuffed? It makes no noise and there is no movement if you wriggle the wheel from the top and bottom but movment from side to side. Sorry if this doesn't make sense but I typed it on my phone and for some reason it wont show what im writing as im typing on this forum. Lol im doing it blind.
Could be a combo of balljoint and wheel bearings that's causing that play
Last edited by KKK VR6; 15-07-2013 at 11:36 PM.