awesome! fun to drive? (didnt read the whole thread :/)
sHey guys, I've been on the forum sometime and thought i'd finally make a build with the knew car. So if you guy's haven't noticed already with my old thread it was slowing dying and nothing was happening. That's exactly what was happening. I came to the point where i was over all the things i do with the car and my interest in doing so much more was coming to an end..
So got her for sale after a few months and then one day she was gone. I'm sure you guys who've sold your first car had that feeling that all the things you've done in the car has just driven away... And i'm sure most of you would like to jump back into your old bad boys but for me.. it was .. the same.. but different ?
Before i even had a chance i was owning 2 cars already. Was unregistered and was not going to be used UNTIL i sold the white golf in which she was gone...
The next week. The other car was blue sipped registered and ready to go ! And i was glad to get into it so here she is !
The same but new car. ANOTHER Volkswagen Golf. This time a VR6. The reason why ? While i still had my car i had been looking at other cars and finding out what should i get next ? Then one day popped on gumtree and saw one for an absolutely steal.. was hesitant when i saw it then went down and bought the car straight away.
So it's 1995 Volkwagen Golf VR6. Came with 165 XXX Genuine Kms. (digital) Leather VR6 Seats, Xforce Exhaust twin tip everything complete stock but knowing the guy i bought it off. He had these mad ass chromies on them. You heard me. 18 Inch full chrome dip plated Set of Rims and they're Zenetti's too. So you know there good **** ! (For sale if anyone is interested)where you commos and lancers at!
Funnily enough she came with no head unit aswell and the only thing left was rear speakers and under the rear seats a heap load of spare audio wiring.. (figures).
So the wheels had to go. He had stock ones so pretty stoke about that and also having at least 80% on both aswell.
So far, got small problems as bypassed heatercore, Abs ring needs replacing, LFHS Bent tie rod and wheel alignment.
Fixed the wheel alignment today and before even buying all my gear, i'm gonna make sure i fix the little problems first, enjoy the car how she runs and then start with that. Should hopefully bring her to a dyno day to see how she goes on it stock.
Besides that i will most likely look at keep her for a while.
Just a small update on the weekend. Got her serviced with platnium spark plugs/oil change etc.
Also having the stock wheels that i put on them over the chromies i didn't even realise but these are an OEM stock BBS Rim's which come stock with the VR6's this also be including the RX-R's.
Not too sure about the model of it (as i've searched around) but might be an early model of the bugatti's ? Not sure but will definitely be restroing them when i can.
Also being the VR6 the brakes that are given stock are 288mm Brake setup allowing alot more better braking to be made but on the downside when finding rims to put on they will definitely need spacers if going something wider. As you can see here.
The chromies that were on there before were definitely scrubbing on the caliper because i remember driving it home and it making that noise.
Did some minor paint touches to the spoiler and the door handles.
While doing so, i might aswell check out the inside of the doors to see how the wiring and motors are as they are proned to not working. Which i found out that on of my rears wernt' winding but the motor worked fine. I was thinking that maybe it was just loose and come off the motor but as my eyes could see... a bit of nature.. lies.. within my car...
Yes a plank of wood.. in which i assume the old owner did this to stop it. What's happend is "somehow" one of the brackets in which hold up and slide down on the window has miraculously disappeared..
Not sure where to get it at this point but i'll be leaving it for now. If anyone can confirm if this is where the Regulator is let me know ! haha
Also been trying to do the headunit. Should have been simple as plug and play but as the old owner was into his "cool sound system" whoever wired this up. **** you.
Masking tape, wires cut and taped, cable tied wires, exposed wires, useplugs etc. On the worst side the headunits power works on but the sound doesn't. I had a friend check it out and at this stage hopefully.. it's just bad wiring but if anyone knows this. Wiring on audio in a car is just overall a headache. Will be over his place this week to try and sort it out. If anyone is an auto electrician will pay to do it !! ahha.
Besides that, big box has arrived in my room. Till then.
Last edited by Pmk; 22-05-2013 at 10:36 PM.
Build and learn, not buy and earn.
awesome! fun to drive? (didnt read the whole thread :/)
Mk1 Gti 81 2Dr
Mk2 Gti 88 2Dr
Mk4 R32 04
Current: 2007 Black Magic GTI - APR Stage 2, Carbonio intake, APR downpipe and catback exhaust, RNS510, Bi-Xenons, Custom Red Leather Interior, Tow Bar, Racks and Parking Sensors
Previous: Absolute Red 2000 S3 8L - Stage 1 Custom Code
Previous: 1997 Black Magic VR6 - CX Racings, BFI Stealthlines, Chipped ECU, Genie Extractors, Thule 404s, Fairing, Suitcase delete with hotdog.
Nice stuff! It was only natural for you to get a VR6 after the 2L, the need for power!
Good luck with it, I hope coilovers are on the cards soon though
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
mine came with a tree branch holding the drivers window up.
seen it a bit on the internet ha
those chromies are hot....
what do people actually see!
think mb1907953 was right, colour concept VR wheels, not sure if they were an option for normal VRs too though?
Can't help but stare at the grill and wonder what the story behind that is.
Also this had mad vr6 euro plates on it? Or did they not come with it as bought unregistered etc.
Keen to know what you think of it after jumping into a vr after driving around a CL for so long.
The VR6 Grunt = Hnnng
Without a doubt man. And with the wheels new they were OEM but didn't know they were the colour concept ones. CHeers
Was a 1.8 not a 2.0. ANd if you look at the CL's car i'm sure the coils would be on the list somewhere..
Did you end up changing it ? gotta find a DIY to fix the window. Sexspec is what some see. not exactly our style haah. I've noticed with the wheels aswell. Can't ever seem to find them anywhere !
Car was bought unregistered. New plates = New registered cars. Difference in jumping from cars was no difference feel wise beside the engine. Sat in it and felt the same but the drive and the pull of the V6 is great !
Build and learn, not buy and earn.
Got a package from Europe. Brand new VR6/GTI Lip. Might be a JOM product ? NOice.
Changed the front grill to the 2 slate badgless grill. Not liking it but will change it when i will !
Build and learn, not buy and earn.
Looking good! I do like the N/A lip, makes you look lower than you are :p
Who did you order it from?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
Last edited by timiteo; 27-05-2013 at 12:09 AM.
loving that lip.
yeah as above Timiteo said, where'd you get it from bud?