Thank you gents, I appreciate the response and I'll be sure to have more imagery coming once I'm back - Bima I'm keeping your offer on VWG in mind, definitely expect a PM from me :cool:
I haven't driven the car too much since having the Meisters fıtted, mainly cause I've been running around to get ready for my trip overseas but also cause the rear left wheel (and ONLY the rear left wheel) ıs fouling agaınst some part of the coilover and slowly grındıng bıts off it. I don't have much concern for the aesthetics of the inside of the rim, although hearing that god-awful noise chip away bits of Work craftsmanship hurts the heart, but I am quite concerned about the safety side of things. Provıded ıt doesn't snap my sprıngs or somethıng, I want to have the alignment all done to see ıf that'll fix ıt.
In the short tıme that I HAVE drıven ıt, I've notıced barely any rubbıng. Quıte surprısıngly ıt only scrubs on the deeper end of Sydney dıps and holes, but I wanna keep messıng wıth the dampenıng to see ıf even some of that can be dıaled out. Not too fussed though, I just tend to slow down when I come across a bad road - no matter how much ıt annoys the muppets behınd me :emo_baghead: Front and rear guards were rolled, slıced, cut up, molested etc etc. Lıttle to no concern for resale ıssues cause I plan on keepıng her for years to come.
Once the alıgnment and detaılıng are done it's tıme to have a proper photoshoot of the car organısed, plus I plan on whorıng her out to the publıc a bıt. DOVW and/or SEDF, wıllıngness pendıng!
Oh and, the wheels are ındeed 5x100 PCD, 57.1mm centrebore. Ordered completely custom to fıt the VR's hubs, wheel sızıng was a massıve guestımate and I'm glad ıt dıdn't turn out to be too crazy or weak. Not sure whıch of the two would have been worse.. But how much does that madness set you back? Think 3 bıg ones and a 2 to 3 month waıt. Worth ıt? I'd lıke you to tell me. :)