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Thread: opinions on this VR6 please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Cheltenham, Victoria

    opinions on this VR6 please

    Hi all, new to forum and VWs,

    I'm looking at a 1996 VR6 with 122K Km. Seems nice, has had some things seen to already such as ABS and A/C, supposedly good logs (haven't seen them yet though). Had a drive and sounds sweet, smooth, no noises. As far as I know nothing has been done, e.g. new engine/clutch/gearbox or anything.

    Gut instinct is good, I'm usually lucky enough with cars, touch wood.

    Can get it for around $7,500. On the face of it, seem like a good deal? Just wish it was black, but hey.. silver FTW!

    Also, any VW mechs around Melbourne (city area) to be recommended for pre-purchase check? And/or any kind souls on this forum care to glance over it?

    Any help appreciated!
    Last edited by vjr; 25-11-2008 at 05:37 PM. Reason: slight error... not '94 but '96!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    If clutch hasn't been done, it should be well on its way out on a VR6. Check the power windows to see if they're in working order. Check for rust around windscreen and window seals, and on the sills when you open the door (check under the rubber). Heater-core is a common thing to fix on VR6s are a pain to replace due to the amount of labour, so check to see if the heaters work.

    I've most likely missed a few things but the VR6 owners of this forum should be able to help you out.

    And get the price down lower. Maintenance on these things can get expensive.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    sorry to hijack, but what are the signs that a clutch needs replacement?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    if the revs increase far higher than the speed the clutch is slipping. noticable in higher gears first. if you floor it and the revs fly up really fast but you barely accelerate, get a new clutch

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Cheltenham, Victoria
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    Thanks for the quick responses. Shall try and arrange another look on the weekend and check for rust.

    As far as clutch slipping, I didn't notice any.

    As far as price, is $7,500 too high (if all is at it seems)? Always good to get the lowest you can of course, but just wondering how that figure compares with what others have paid. He's asking $8,500. I've already made an offer..

    Edit: is window fogging/ventilation a problem in these cars? The car was parked in an underground car park and when we turned up the front window was quite fogged (it had been parked for several hours). That might indicate dampness in the car, although it didn't smell damp at all.
    Last edited by vjr; 25-11-2008 at 05:38 PM.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by rayray086 View Post
    If clutch hasn't been done, it should be well on its way out on a VR6. Check the power windows to see if they're in working order. Check for rust around windscreen and window seals, and on the sills when you open the door (check under the rubber). Heater-core is a common thing to fix on VR6s are a pain to replace due to the amount of labour, so check to see if the heaters work.

    I've most likely missed a few things but the VR6 owners of this forum should be able to help you out.

    And get the price down lower. Maintenance on these things can get expensive.
    I basically agree with everything stated here, it's very good advice. The clutch may well be fine, though.

    Contrary to a lot of belief, clutches don't necessarilly have to be a wear item, or give way after X kilometres.
    Clutch life is all down to driving style and how the car has been used. Under the right conditions, some will easilly last the life of a car : )

    Your clutch may or may not have been well looked after.
    Even for performance drivers, there are ways to look after your clutch - with the possible exception of the drag racers and 'granny shifters' out there : )

    I do agree (completely!) that it's well worth checking this out for yourself. The best way to do this properly is to find a steep hill and slowly accelerate up in 4th or 5th gear, keeping the revs between 1500 and 2500rpm (in other words, dont hit the hill at 80km at 5500rpm, that would defeat the purpose).

    The torque required to climb a steep hill at low revs in 4th or 5th gear will soon let you know if the clutch is on its way out, and slipping will be most obvious under these conditions.

    All the best.
    Last edited by sydVR6; 21-11-2008 at 04:40 PM.

    Subaru WRX Wagon 06 + Peugeot 306 GTi6

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Cheltenham, Victoria
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    it's not a 94 but a 96

    It's actually a 96 model, not a 94.. sorry about that. I think that changes the price equation? (Redbook says max $5500 for a '94 and $7400 for a '96, if that means anything)

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    pffft redbook. The values they state aren't always right. A VR6 can be anywhere up to about $10k for a good nick one with all the right bits working.

    Averages prices seem to fluctuate between about 7k - 10k depending on current demand, personally I would consider a VR6 with new AC and ABS (or at least repaired) to be a decent find at $7.5K, even more so if the heater works . Most people are closer to $10k by the time they buy the car and fix up those items. (Not that many people bother with the ABS )

    If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    my clutch was fine after 2xx xxx km, and it was the original one. so yeah, all depends on driving style.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2005

    yeah mate seems like a good cheap one. i ve got 250k's on stock clutch motor and gbox.
    cheers brenton
    MK1 4door
    1st place, stock MK3VR6. Vw nationals 07
    2nd place, mod MK2VR6. Vw nationals 09
    and untold wrecks

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