Sump guard.
Right o. That's enough. All I have is painted a few things, added jom coil overs, kn air filter and cold air in take, removed cat and other mufflers and added two sports mufflers. Amp and sub. Going for a bit of a fun, drive hard, has character look. Ha ha
Sump guard.
Fun Fact : You don't need to post each photo separately.
But it is a great way to get your post count up!
Ha ha. It has taken me all my life to work out how to do this and now you say there is a better way! Sounds about right. Ha ha
fark that's so good.
yes, yes it is. 5 spokes is the right amount
Sent from my GT-I9305T using Tapatalk 2
Stage 1
Stage 2 - just out in some new custom Modena's. I have a project thread on here, I'll have to update it when I get a chance
2016 Golf Alltrack
Mk3 1.8t
Where have you been all my life, that's actually amazing.