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Thread: Off & on lack of power, Wtf?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Ermington, Sydney

    Unhappy Off & on lack of power, Wtf?

    I've had a few cases of very noticeable (and worrying) lack of power with the VR. Sometimes it'll be fine, but sometimes even if I leadfoot it, it feels as if there's hardly any power there. I've had what feels like THIS problem with another car, after a retard related to me sprayed the engine filling the spark plug wells with water.

    When the problem is there, I test it with 2nd gear as I feel most response there (plus speeds don't get too big). I'll put my foot down, and it will climb slowly up the revrange and sometimes I'll even feel a misfire or a bit of a jolt, which is the main reason for my concern

    A trusted friend reckons it could be a number of things, eg sticky injector, sparks or sparkleads, blah blah blah.

    It's really getting to my head, driving the car..I don't wanna drive it but if it's not that bad a problem
    Last edited by Mrk_Mickey; 19-02-2008 at 08:59 PM.
    Mrk Detailing, premium automotive detailing. Paint correction/protection specialist. PM me

  2. #2
    gpk_gti Guest
    remember your injector cleaning??? sounds like a fuelling issue or your leads

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Is it when the car is cold. They have an anti flogg device that makes em run **** if you give it when the cars cold.

    Its like a conscience. Wait till the oil temp registers on the MFA then go hard.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Like....fuel pumps?

    I cleaned the engine about 2 wks ago and *TRIED* very hard to make sure everything spark and distributor was covered..if it's water then my mate's cousin's shop is just down the rd with one of those air compressor thingo's, can fix that right up..But I took huge care in not getting water there, even air sprayed it after..

    Leads you say? As in the spark/dis leads?

    Edit: Lol Loon I don't think it was when it was cold...I drove it a little bit before I felt it tonight, plus I've never felt that thing BEFORE, only coming up as issue now.
    Mrk Detailing, premium automotive detailing. Paint correction/protection specialist. PM me

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Golf Loon View Post
    Is it when the car is cold. They have an anti flogg device that makes em run **** if you give it when the cars cold.

    Its like a conscience. Wait till the oil temp registers on the MFA then go hard.
    I have heard a few people talk about that anti flog when cold "feature" but have never noticed it myself. Maybe you need to REALLY give it hell before it kicks in at cold??

    As for leads and plugs, new plugs are about $12-$15 each from Repco. Supercheap etc etc You want the original NGK BKR5EKU plugs.

    Leads... Get them from overseas, they are stupid expensive here.

    Check out these guys here:

    I ordered I pile of stuff from them and had it delivered in about 4 days. from New York If your ordering form them, let a few people know as there is usually enough interest to run the bill up to save on shipping.

    While your there you may as well get some oil filters and fuel filters and use the right ones rather than the Ryco rubbish most people want to sell you over here.

    Back to your problem. How old is the fuel? What type of fuel is it? How much fuel do you have in the tank right now?? Have you ever had this problem before (at all)?

    Oh... and have you found a new Mechanic yet?

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  6. #6
    Join Date
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    If you flog the car off start while its cold you will cut the engine out I have tried it believe you me

    With regards to your car get two VR6s side by side and go have a look and see what could be the problem!
    I'm soo euro even my missus is shaved...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Yeah mine does the same thing. Like it's struggling for fuel or missing then the power comes on again. Loon has had a look at it and said nothing wrong. I do occasionally get quite a strong fuel smell on start up as well. But after the temp hits 50 from --- usually goes a way. It is a bit scary though but a good precaution to stop u flogging it hard before she's warm.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Lol talk about conscience...
    I'd be interested in these leads and spark plugs cause they look like the original ones on mine. I'll check them out Hawk, cheers. Anyways, I gave the VR a good run today, gladesville to granville. Didn't really notice a problem, although oil temp got to 100 at one point...

    I don't skimp on fuel, fuel is always the best one. BP Ultimate, filled up on saturday. 3/4 full right now, but noticed the problem 7/8 full. Found my mechanic lol Steve Natoli, the one who sold me the car. He's a VW specialist and generally a great bloke, and I've actually got my service due date today so he's gonna do service and have a look at it for me on saturday arvo if he's not too busy. If it gets serviced, I'm bringing her to the GTG
    Mrk Detailing, premium automotive detailing. Paint correction/protection specialist. PM me

  9. #9
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    Oil temp is fine at 100 110 and then you have to be weary about it
    I'm soo euro even my missus is shaved...

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Williamstown, Vic

    Hey, same thing happened to mine. Was doing my head in. Was the leads.

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