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Thread: My Search for a Clean VR6!

  1. #81
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    Yeah ben, mostly for sound hey, not expecting any power gains.

    This weekend I will be installing them, im 99.9% sure they will just bolt in...that correct?

    Also having some funky problems :S

    My fan/AC/heater unit is forever blowing out air even if its on the "0" settings and it keeps fogging up my windscreen something horrid...anyway, it basically means I have to have the AC on all the time as the windscreen fogs up! and then if i leave the AC on for too long I get condensation on the outside and I have to use my wipers...its really tripping me out and cant get it right

    I think somethings gone in there... any ideas?

    Also, my wire for my sub has gotten loose, it connects to the battery with a fuse on it, I connect that to positive or negative? I'm pretty sure positive but just wanted to check before I screw anything up!

    Thanks guys.

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Not real sure about the heater one, sounds like a fan is staying on when it shouldnt, and make a door for the air is staying open. Maybe try shutting the air vents and turning the dial thing so that the air is meant to be coming at you instead of the windscreen or something? Not that that would fix the underlying problem

    And yes, amplifier power wire should be connected to the positive. Wont do much at all on the negative

  3. #83
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    I have tried everything and still windscreen fogs up, so no luck there.

    Yeah I just need to hook the power back up on the sub and install my new speakers and im done with the sound system (Will provide pics of install).

    Also to add, the vents have some form of "mist" come from it and it pours out and smells only a little...somethings definitely not right!

    ---------- Post added at 07:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:12 AM ----------

    Well not a good morning...

    Yesterday I drove to Uni and on the way back noticed the coolant light flashing, so got home, filled it up with a bit of water till I get time to fully flush the coolant system.
    This morning, drive to Uni again and it flashes again...
    I couldn't check as the coolant is still hot but my passenger side carpet trims were still off from the sound system so pulled the carpet back and there is a bit of coolant under the carpet.

    So basically, whats wrong here as its a common problem right? and how can I fix it? I might give it a go myself. Cheers

    ---------- Post added at 07:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:13 AM ----------

    Stupid Post Adding Thingo
    Last edited by jono0309; 09-11-2011 at 01:28 PM.

  4. #84
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Sounds like heater core I think?

    Doable by yourself, but be ready to spend an entire weekend on it. The whole dash has to come out and stuff. Shops would charge you well over $1000 to do it most likely.

    The heatercore itself is a very cheap part though.

    You could also bypass it, if thats what it is ofcourse. Just connect the two hoses that run to the heater core together I would imagine, never had to do it myself.

  5. #85
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    Yeah I reckon I could do the the heater core myself, just gotta sort out the leak.
    This is going to sound stupid but...the coolant and the heater core are seperate unconnected units right? So i have got two individual problems? Just trying to understand whats wrong and what stuff I can do myself!
    Best/cheapest place to get a heatercore?
    Last edited by jono0309; 10-11-2011 at 07:09 AM.

  6. #86
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    The coolant passes through the heatercore, that also explains why your windscreen fogs upits a bitch of a job if you wanna have a crack at it
    Polo GTI
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  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrVR6exy View Post
    The coolant passes through the heatercore, that also explains why your windscreen fogs upits a bitch of a job if you wanna have a crack at it
    I did it in 3 hours and had never touched a mk3 in my will be fine!

  8. #88
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    Sep 2009
    Yeah the heatercore and the cooling system are connected, hot coolant goes through the heatercore and heats it up (thats a complete guess so that may be wrong, but it makes sence in my mind. Hah)

    There are two hoses that run to it in the engine bay. One off the head and another one from something else (cant remember). Its like in the middle of the engine bay, you'll see two coolant hoses running to the firewall. To bypass it for the time being I think you would just need to disconnect those hoses, and attach them too each other.

  9. #89
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    Thats exactly what I thought but I am such a nooooob. haha
    Thanks guys, I am going to give this a go haha I might need some help...might recruit someone! Cheers

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by thestu View Post
    I did it in 3 hours and had never touched a mk3 in my will be fine!
    whether it takes 3 hours or 3 days its still a bitch of a job
    Polo GTI
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