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Thread: My New VR6 *Little Update Thread*

  1. #61
    Join Date
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    Gold Coast, Queensland
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    Well I dig your going to try it, will be awesome if you pull it off!

  2. #62
    Join Date
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    Rooty Hill, Sydney
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    u gotta tone of work ahead of u, but if u get it done
    much respect man !!
    i think you'd have better luck with the 24v bora motor though.
    with the 3.2l the easy way i know of, with solving the cleareance issue is by dry sumping it. but its not that cheap. and then theres the mounts, not to sure about that though.
    actually matt from Camden gti did the 1st and up till now im pretty sure is the only vr6 with a 24v bora motor in it !
    Pm him, he's got quite a bit of know how.

  3. #63
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    Thanks for that I pm'd Matt, may even give him a call tomorrow.

    I completely over looked a 24V, would be financially better and still more powerful. Would mean I could came it and what not and get equal power of a 3.2 swap.

    That was quite helpful thankyou

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Id like to hear more about this 24v bora swap!!
    CURRENT: '76 MK1 Golf 2dr (1.8 8V, twin webers.. soon to be 16v )
    PAST: MK5 GTI Pirelli + MK4 Golf 1.sick + MK3 VR6 (RIP)

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    I almost bought that 24v golf. Was for sale when I was looking for my vr6. Had planned to go out and look at it but the guy apprently lost his phone or something and so it didn't end up happening.

    Are you on p-plates? Turbo/an engine swap will be illegal until you'rew off them...

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by sortofbigbj View Post
    I almost bought that 24v golf. Was for sale when I was looking for my vr6. Had planned to go out and look at it but the guy apprently lost his phone or something and so it didn't end up happening.

    Are you on p-plates? Turbo/an engine swap will be illegal until you'rew off them...
    Yeah I got my greens a couple of weeks ago.

    I saw that one too, if it was the white one? I thought about it but his asking price was a bit ridiculous.

    Yeah I know it's illegal either way. But i haven't been pulled over yet and I've driven some illegal cars and not as stealthy as a golf.

    If I were to go a 24v it's still a 2.8... Haha. But if I were to get a r32 engine I'd just take of the badge. I am aware that I sound like an idiot but there's not a better way to explain my methodology.

  7. #67
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    Inevitably I've hit a crossroad..

    From the information I've found, it's not as straight of a swap as what people have said. This is putting me in a tough place whether I still proceed and have the risk of having a non fitting engine..

    Also finding an engine in Australia, is quite hard, close to impossible.. The biggest fear of this I have is buying an engine from overseas that doesn't even run and being out of pocket a large amount.

    So, I'm contemplating milling out the egg-shaped hole in the block and sticking with the 12v at least until my blacks.

    Or I could part out the engine, not that there's many wanted parts, other than maybe the rebuilt head. Chuck it towards an overseas engine and hope that i don't have to be chasing up warranty issues..

  8. #68
    Join Date
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    Hey mate,

    Just been reading through this, i think you will find if you are really serious about swapping in an r32 motor or bora 24v you'll get stuck for quite some time and have money issues.

    in my opinion you should rebuild the vr6 motor get some mild cams 264/268s a 2.9 intake manifold and just do abit to it because you can get a decent amount of power out of the 12v and also you wont be driving around in a car that could have your licence for having an engine swap, which isnt legal for any p plater.

    another up side to doing this it its not going to cost you near as much coin.

    if you do pull it off ill be super impressed ! will be watching here.

    either way you have a vr6 so thats the goods.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zalemate View Post
    Hey mate,

    Just been reading through this, i think you will find if you are really serious about swapping in an r32 motor or bora 24v you'll get stuck for quite some time and have money issues.

    in my opinion you should rebuild the vr6 motor get some mild cams 264/268s a 2.9 intake manifold and just do abit to it because you can get a decent amount of power out of the 12v and also you wont be driving around in a car that could have your licence for having an engine swap, which isnt legal for any p plater.

    another up side to doing this it its not going to cost you near as much coin.

    if you do pull it off ill be super impressed ! will be watching here.

    either way you have a vr6 so thats the goods.
    This post have given me ideas.. As much as I would like to be a 18 year old with an r32 powered mk3 in Australia. Ill be going down today to the mechanics and talk about milling our the hole.

    I've gone through a few build threads and with fairly extensive work people are getting about 220whp. Which for the Money the spend is pretty low in my eyes.

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Might be worth it to keep your eye out for a full vr6 wreck from the salvage auctions and use the motor from one of those. If you then have enough money i would at least freshen up the motor with new bearings, rings and timing chains so you are guaranteed it will last a while.

    Conversions are fun but not when you have to pay a mechanic to do it as the labour costs are just $$$$.

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