Can't be bothered getting ready to race again/don't have a suitable tow car.
Next update will be a sad one
Can't be bothered getting ready to race again/don't have a suitable tow car.
Next update will be a sad one
Remember when your car was cool? Me neither....
Soon. But not soon enough.
Ghetto tie down.
Gutted hatch/lexan.
Ordered big tyres; hopefully get here.
Fresh rubber!
Wired up the proper tps plug so it won't fall off anymore and cause car to cut out.
Gave it a higher limiter and a degree more timing across the board, it was running 11.3 afr up top. So leaned that out a little. Should be fine for a few passes. Don't know if it made a difference but in theory it should have.
Let's reset the national record