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Thread: My Maroon MK3!!

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by KI11Z View Post
    using those patterns can turn out bad because when you stretch it, the squares lose their alignment BUT you smashed it dude. I can appreciate it.....
    Cheers Buddy. First time doing the whole headliner thing, I was so conscious about the line being aligned haha. Got help from a mate and lil sister too. Certainly not a one person job if youre doing it for the first time, especially with this pattern!

  2. #12
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    Another update guys, since the roof lining. So someone reversed into the driver mirror and shattered the window. So when I got it repaired, it came back with two different shades of black so I ended up taking a gloss black can to both the sides.
    My Maroon MK3!!-20140124_144312-jpg
    My Maroon MK3!!-img-20140126-wa0004-jpg

    Then I stencil the vw symbol on the passenger side c pillar.
    My Maroon MK3!!-20140124_065552-jpg

    So I was cleaning my headlights today and then decided to try my hand at joey mod, it turned out pretty sweet, Sorry if you can't really see it.
    My Maroon MK3!!-20140127_125307-jpg

    I had plastic headlight protectors, I made good use of them for testing purposes, I yellow tinted it, this is how it looks on top of clear headlights. So far I only had tinted one of them, hence its up only on one side..
    My Maroon MK3!!-img-20140127-wa0004-jpg

    Also a question, are yellow tinted headlights illegal in Victoria? I know red and blue are illegal, many forum say many answers. just wanna clear it up!

    Cheers till next time

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk
    Last edited by rmuruga; 27-01-2014 at 03:28 PM.

  3. #13
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    Another update guys..

    I have been trying many different wheels on the car as I've not been happy with a single set haha (some people will agree...hopefully)

    I had some 16 inch rays cv pros that didn't end well. I did stud conversion, got internal nuts and different bolts.... had to buy too many thing to fit these. (Didn't think it through before buying them).

    Specs: 16x7 +31 front and 16x8 +37 rear. I had also put 15mm adapters in the front and 25mm in the rear.

    Felt too big for the car. And it started hitting the guard and rubbing too much, raised the car and still it hit the guard.

    Then realised it was my control arm bushes that were shagged pretty badly.

    I got all those fixed and so far the latest one are steelies. I'm quiet happy with them for now.

    However, to get them to fit, major guard work had to be done. I took a sledge hammer from work to it, and they all listened to what I had to say to them. I've got flares that are going to be riveted on so didn't really care too much about the guard for now. Makes it look a bit widebody imo.

    The size is 15x8 +0 all round with 175/50/15 tyres all round.

    I'm looking for one or tyre in that size now, cause one of the ones on the car is up to its wear indicator. Let me know if you have one in that size.

    Also the whole 16inch cv pro setup is up for sale, including the nuts bolts, studs and adapters. Wheels are great condition, one has gutter rash. Wheels were fine the control arm bushes are what made them hit the guard.

    Last edited by rmuruga; 08-04-2014 at 04:03 PM.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by rmuruga View Post
    So when I got it repaired, it came back with two different shades of black so I ended up taking a gloss black can to both the sides.

    My Maroon MK3!!-img-20140126-wa0004-jpg
    My mirrors have all that protective plastic peeling away and look ****house. How did you spray the mirrors? Did you just get a can, cover up relevant areas and spray carefully or?
    How would I go about respraying my red mirrors?
    Past - '95 VW Golf MK3 VR6
    Present - '11 Ford Focus LW Diesel (PSA DW10C)

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by stefcio007 View Post
    My mirrors have all that protective plastic peeling away and look ****house. How did you spray the mirrors? Did you just get a can, cover up relevant areas and spray carefully or?
    Yeah, I covered up the window, front windshield, half the door and bonnet. So pretty all around the mirror. Make sure you don't do it on a hot day, as it'll start to crack the paint as it dries or a windy day..too much dust.

    Like that.

    Good luck!

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using Tapatalk

  6. #16
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    Tyres look to talk on the rays, might have been the issue
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  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by dylan8 View Post
    Tyres look to talk on the rays, might have been the issue
    Hey dylan,
    Yeah, the fronts were 195 50 16 no stretch at all, and rears were 205 50 16 with a bit of stretch.

  8. #18
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    liking the steelies man!

  9. #19
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    Painted sideskirts yo!

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by rmuruga View Post
    Hey dylan,
    Yeah, the fronts were 195 50 16 no stretch at all, and rears were 205 50 16 with a bit of stretch.
    45 profiles on those width tyres would have been far better
    Bora gone
    Vento VR6
    7P Touareg TDI

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